On 11/19/10 6:29 AM, "Arno Rog" <arno....@gmail.com> wrote:
> Stan Sanderson <physinfoman <at> ameritech.net> writes:
>> oops, that should have been 2.13.35. However, I've since installed
>> 2.13.39 and forcing beams as I suggested
>> fis8 ([ e8 )] a8 ([ a8 )] b8\> ( ais8\! )
>> does produce the desired pattern.
>> Stan
> Hi STan,
> A frightfull idea when typesetting a complete Bach cantata, or,
> as is the case, a complete orchestral score (not very large happily)
> I stick with the use of \set Timing.beamExceptions = #'( (end . ( ( (1 . 8) .
> (2
> 2 2) ) ) ) ) for now. Pity I have to adapt all relevant parts :-(
You can do the whole score at once by
\overrideTimeSignatureSettings #'Score #'(3 . 4) #'(1 . 4) #'(1 1 1) #'()
This will give you the desired beaming any time you set the time signature
to 3/4.
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