Sorry - I should have given a more complete answer. You can correct the
problem by completing the first measure with a 1/16 rest, a skip (I think -
or is that not counted at all?), or a  1/16 note. Also, to help find similar
problems in the future, I would strongly recommend bar checking, by adding
"|" ( pipe, but without the quotation marks) at the end of each measure.
Then  LilyPond will tell you that you have a time problem. Thus :

       e8 ( d8 ) cis8\> ( b8 ) a8. ( g16\! ) |
       fis8 ( e8 ) a8 ( a8 ) b8\> ( ais8\! )



On Fri, Nov 19, 2010 at 7:15 AM, Arno Rog <> wrote:

> L.S.
> Since the algorithms for beaming have changed I encounter all sorts of
> incomprehensible behavior. I'm using 2.13.39
> Yes I've read the manual, I've tried every piece of code,
> tried the LSR, etc...
> Why is the beaming for the two following measures different??
> And how do I correct it?
> PartPTwoTwoVoiceOne =  \relative fis'' {
>        \clef "treble"
>        \key d \major
>        \time 3/4
>        e8 ( d8 ) cis8\> ( b8 ) a8. ( g16\! ) % <-correct beaming
>        fis8 ( e8 ) a8 ( a8 ) b8\> ( ais8\! ) % <-incorrect beaming
> }
> \score { \PartPTwoTwoVoiceOne }
> I hope someone can point me in the right direction, it is driving me
> desperate!
> Thanks in advance,
> Arno Rog
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