On 5 February 2010 23:05, Ole Schmidt <oleschm...@gmx.net> wrote: > this increases the distance, but between the wrong systems (see > attached picture) how can I change the distance between the two > \score blocks?
I suppose you mean the distance between the last system of first \score and the title of second \score, right? Then, as explained in Neil's documentation "Page formatting", the variable to use is "before-title-spacing". Use this for example: \paper { before-title-spacing = #'((space . 20)) } If you don't have a title between two \score blocks, then you would use "between-scores-system-spacing" (and not between-system-spacing, be careful of the name, which is similar but the first one is about spacing between two systems **if they are in different scores**). > Can someone please take a look at my code- I do not understand > exactly how to use \book If there is something wrong/unclear with the documentation http://lilypond.org/doc/v2.13/Documentation/source/Documentation/notation/multiple-scores-in-a-book please let us now. I rewrote you file structure correctly (the \header of a score must be *within* the \score block, after the music expression). I also changed the indentation (which software do you use to input .ly files, that produced this indentation?). Regards, Xavier PS: "Kurzfassung" as opus seems a bit odd in the result... ;) %%%%%%%% \version "2.13.7" \header { tagline = ##f } \layout { \context { \Score \remove "Bar_number_engraver" } } \paper { indent = 0\cm ragged-right = ##t before-title-spacing = #'((space . 20)) } \book { \score { \new Staff { \relative c'' { g8 f f2. | \break c4 bes4 r2 } } \header { piece = "One" opus = "Kurzfassung" } } \score { \new Staff { \relative c'' { g8 f f2. | \break c4 bes4 r2 } } \header { piece = "Two" opus = "Kurzfassung" } } } -- Xavier Scheuer <x.sche...@gmail.com> _______________________________________________ lilypond-user mailing list lilypond-user@gnu.org http://lists.gnu.org/mailman/listinfo/lilypond-user