Dear all,

I want multiple litte examples- everyone with an extra title-  on one page.
How can I control the vertical spacing between those (two) systems.
All I've tried had no effect...
Thanks for a hint


\version "2.13.7"

\header { tagline =  ##f }
 \layout {     \context
      {  \Score
      \remove "Bar_number_engraver"  }   }
      \paper { indent= 0\cm  ragged-right= ##t}
\book {

\score {
\new Staff {
\relative c'' {
        g8 f f2. |\break
        c4 bes4 r2 }
\header { piece = "One"
    opus =  "Kurzfassung"

 \score {
\new Staff {
\relative c'' {
        g8 f f2. |\break
        c4 bes4 r2 }
\header { piece = "Two"
    opus =  "Kurzfassung"



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