oops, it does have an effect, but between the wrong systems (see attached jpg), how can I achive distance between the first two and the second two systems?
ole |
<<attachment: Bild 2010-02-05 um 11.18.54.jpg>>
Am 05.02.2010 um 02:08 schrieb Neil Puttock: Try setting padding in between-system-spacing:
\paper {
between-system-spacing = #'((padding . 1))
Thanks, but when I put this line in my paper block it does have no effect, what am I doing wrong? ole %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \version "2.13.7" \header { tagline = ##f } \layout { \context { \Score \remove "Bar_number_engraver" } } \paper { indent= 0\cm ragged-right= ##t between-system-spacing = #'((padding . 3)) } \book { \score { \new Staff { \relative c'' { g8 f f2. |\break c4 bes4 r2 } } \header { piece = "One" opus = "Kurzfassung" } } \score { \new Staff { \relative c'' { g8 f f2. |\break c4 bes4 r2 } } } \header { piece = "Two" opus = "Kurzfassung" } }
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