Thanks for the suggestions. I did get this to work. What prevented the new line 
from working is I had forgotten to take out the line:
between-system-spacing = 65\mm

Once this was removed it started to work. I am planning to write something for 
the docs once I figure out how the different numbers effect the way the spacing 
is calculated. At least it is working now.

Walter Hofmeister

On 2010-04-22, at 6:42 PM, Francisco Vila wrote:

> 2010/4/23 Walter Hofmeister <>:
>>>>                between-system-spacing = 65\mm
>>> This should have the form
>>>  between-system-spacing = #'((space . 12) (minimum-distance . 8) (padding . 
>>> 1))
>>> as stated in the docs.
>>    I have checked the docs and I see nowhere a line that looks like this. Is 
>> there something that I am missing? Sorry.
> I agree with you, there are no ready-to-use examples where they
> should. The notation manual is written in a reference style (not
> tutorial-style) and the tutorial does not cover these complexities.
> So we still have to find an intermediate place for things like these.
>> Also I have tried this line that you have provided and it had no effect. Any 
>> ideas? Thanks.
> Well, the line I provided sets the defaults in
> ly/, but you could try increasing the 12 to 20
> for example. My example only showed the form of the setting without
> really changing anything.
> There is a real example in
> to achieve fewer pages.
> What happens if you supress this line completely?
> %  between-system-spacing
> Also, take into account that [at least for some users] the word
> 'ragged' could mean the opposite of what you think.
> ragged=true means unjustified,
> ragged=false means justified.
> -- 
> Francisco Vila. Badajoz (Spain)
> ,

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