On Sat, Jul 04, 2009 at 01:49:42AM -0700, Mark Polesky wrote:
> I'm with Chip here. Explicit, unambiguous, fool-proof. Have you
> noticed the troubles I've had recently with abbreviated
> instructions? (: Assume nothing; assume the user is a robot.

I see an inconsistency here.  As far as we know, the first step
differs whether the OS is ME, 2000, XP, or Vista.  So this is
hardly "fool-proof".  In fact, I would suggest that the first step
is the most important one; after somebody has begun running the
installer, they are prompted by on-screen questions[1].

[1] I think.  I've never seen the lilypond windows installer, and
probably never will.

> I can't say for certain, but on Windows I seem to recall that the
> two uninstall options are not always the same? The rumor I hear the
> most often is that the uninstall.exe provided by the program
> usually knows how to uninstall the program (and all of its
> potentially disjunct files) better than the control panel uninstall
> function, which may accidentally leave some distant files undeleted
> (perhaps not a big issue with LilyPond, though).

I would expect the control panel uninstall to call the program's
uninstall.  Could somebody look into this?

As I said before, I'm not particularly interested in the windows
instructions.  But inconsistency bugs me; if you want to explain
every single step, then make sure you explain every single step in
every single Windows version.  I suspect that this might result in
isntructions which are long, confusing, and intimidating... but I
leave the choice of this page up to windows users.
(not necessarily Chip and Mark; other windows users are more than
welcome to weigh in on this discussion)

- Graham

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