On Mon, Jul 06, 2009 at 03:27:56PM +0200, Jan Nieuwenhuizen wrote:
> A lot of [very important] work on content and structure has been
> done and discussed about, I'd really like to see some work/proposals/
> discussions on how the site could look/feel, looking through your
> eyelashes.

I disagree; I think we've spent *too much* time on the look/feel,
and not enough on the content and structure.  This isn't because
I'm not interested in presentation (although admittedly I'm _not_
interested), but rather for project management reasons.

- the type of content (pictures, text, etc) needs to be settled
  before John can work on the translation infrastructure.
- the translation infrastructure needs to be settled before the
  translations can begin.
- the content and structure needs to be settled (or at least, the
  unfinished sections must be clearly identified) before the
  translations can begin.
- we should give the translators at least a month before replacing
  the current website.

Modifying the CSS files can be done at any time, including after
the new website is used as the "default" lilypond.org.  Other than
the lack of translations, the new website already beats the pants
off the old website.  New users can find easier faster, and avoid
getting confused, irritated, and sending silly questions to the
bug list.  Also, there's a few **very** nice pages (bug reports,
tiny examples) that question-answerers on this list can easily
link to.
(i.e. "please create a tiny example:

Yes, I know that you want stuff that's attractive.  I also admit
that Valentin's site is certainly impressive.  But I think the
needs of our community will be better met by getting this out
there ASAP, which will happen a month after we "finish" the
contents and structure.  (assuming no other delays)

Alternately, we could put it online in a week or two, but linked
as lilypond.org/doubly-new-web/   (in-joke), and dump a NEWS item
suggesting that English speakers might want to look at the new
website instead of the current one.

- Graham

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