Could any of you Vista users, try to run LilyPond from the command line
with the --verbose flag, to see what step of the compilation process
takes most time?
Quoting Jonathan Kulp <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
Tim Slattery wrote:
Carl Sorensen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
545 Defect Verified Medium ---- v.villenave LilyPond is
excessively slow on Windows Vista Performance fixed_2_11_43
Have you checked that it's slow the _second_ time you run a file?
It will be slow the first time it runs because it needs to build a
font cache, but successive times should not be slow.
On my Vista system, when I invoke Lilypond I get the GNU version
notice, and then.....
it sits for almost 50 seconds, apparently doing NOTHING. Then it wakes
up and processes the file. It's still usable, but it sure slows things
For the sake of testing, I booted into my Vista Home Premium
partition and installed the latest Lilypond binary from the download
page. I ran a lilypond file once and it took about 90 seconds, then
ran it a second time and it took more than 60 seconds. The same file
on Linux compiles in less than 2 seconds. Honestly I don't know how
anyone uses Vista as their main OS. This is a reasonably powerful
laptop less than 6 months old with 2GB of RAM and a dual-core
processor. I have all the aero eye candy disabled and it still runs
10x slower than the 8-year-old Gateway box in my office running
Ubuntu 8.04. Man. Glad to be back on the Linux side :)
Jonathan Kulp
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