2008/11/12 Jonathan Kulp <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> For the sake of testing, I booted into my Vista Home Premium partition and
> installed the latest Lilypond binary from the download page.  I ran a
> lilypond file once and it took about 90 seconds, then ran it a second time
> and it took more than 60 seconds.  The same file on Linux compiles in less
> than 2 seconds.  Honestly I don't know how anyone uses Vista as their main
> OS.  This is a reasonably powerful laptop less than 6 months old with 2GB of
> RAM and a dual-core processor.  I have all the aero eye candy disabled and
> it still runs 10x slower than the 8-year-old Gateway box in my office
> running Ubuntu 8.04.  Man.  Glad to be back on the Linux side :)

Added to my FAQ. http://lilypondwiki.tuxfamily.org/index.php?title=FAQ
Any ideas for a better A to this Q?

Francisco Vila. Badajoz (Spain)

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