And thanks to everybody that replied! I finaly got my song right, I'm very
greatful. Since I'm not a real Lilypond-hero, it takes a lot of time for me
to work things out and it is very comforting that after 3 hours of searching
myself (that is my timelimit for a problem) there is a forum where people
actually do know their stuff!

greetings, Lara

On Sat, Aug 23, 2008 at 4:38 PM, James E. Bailey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>wrote:

> The problem is the last measure of the left hand of the piano. There are
> only three beats in the measure. Changing it from :<bes es'> <bes e'>
>  <bes f'> \bar ":|"
> to
> <bes es'> <bes e'>  <bes f'> r4 \bar ":|"
> should solve your problem.
> Am 23.08.2008 um 16:28 schrieb Lara Diamand:
> Hi Dominic,
> Here is my file, I send you the whole thing, because I don't know what part
> of it I should choose. I do feel a bit stupid about all my queations, but
> somehow I don't whink I'm the only "amateur" around.
> Thanks again,
> Lara
> On Sat, Aug 23, 2008 at 3:25 PM, Dominic Neumann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>wrote:
>> Hi Lara,
>> PLEASE give us some source code. Then we can probably help you! It´s much
>> easier for us if we do not have to create a sample for ourselves.
>> Thanks,
>> Dominic
>> 2008/8/23 Lara Diamand <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>>  Thanks everyone for the help with the skipping of text! It worked well
>>> with the "_" sign.
>>> Remains my other question if one can get rid of the extra repeat bar just
>>> before the end. Lilypond is very firm: If you start with \partial 4 at the
>>> beginning of a song you should end with 3 notes instead of 4... and Ireally
>>> want 4 in the bar there.
>>> On Wed, Aug 20, 2008 at 11:07 PM, Mats Bengtsson <
>>> [EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>>> Quoting Paul Scott <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
>>>>  Lara Diamand wrote:
>>>>>> Hi Dominic,
>>>>>> Thanks, this realy helps, one thing is not yet solves though: The text
>>>>>> in the verses do not tek notice of the "volta", so the text in verse
>>>>>> two runs through under volta 1. It should skip volta1 and go straight
>>>>>> to volta 2.
>>>>> That's the way Lily works.  It may not be completely intuitive.  The
>>>>> lyrics just go along straight following the notes ignoring any other
>>>>> structural commands like \volta and \alternative.  You have to put
>>>>> skips
>>>>> in your music to skip endings, etc. where you don't want lyrics.  I
>>>>> usually do this with "_" (underscore).
>>>> An alternative is to use the method described in section "Divisi lyrics"
>>>> in the manual (don't stop at the first example, read the full
>>>> subsection).
>>>>  /Mats
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