It can be, but this only works in \lyricmode:

OKAY: \repeat unfold 4 \skip 1
NOT OKAY: \repeat unfold 4 _
OKAY: \lyricmode { \repeat unfold 4 _ }
ALSO OKAY: \repeat unfold 4 \lyricmode { _ }

Instead of what Kieren said
        \repeat "unfold" 42 \skip
doesn´t work, because \skip needs to be followed by a number. The
value of the number doesn´t have any effect, if I remember right.


2008/8/20 Paul Scott <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Kieren MacMillan wrote:
>> Hi all,
>>> You have to put skips in your music to skip endings, etc.
>>> where you don't want lyrics.  I usually do this with "_" (underscore).
>> I tend to use
>>     \repeat "unfold" 42 \skip
>> where 42 is replaced with the appropriate number of skips required.
> Sure.
> I haven't needed \skip for a long time since "s" works so well.
> Could not the above also be
> \repeat "unfold" _
> Paul
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