Kieren MacMillan <kieren_macmillan <at>> writes:

> Furthermore, there are *many* things about MIDI that are neither  
> clear nor simple — witness the number of questions on the list about  
> changing MIDI tempo, making dynamics work in multiple staves, etc. I  
> think it would be "cleaner" to put MIDI all by itself in its own doc  
> section: that way, if a user has gone to the trouble of getting MIDI  
> output in the first place, they're already in place to learn about  
> other MIDI features and tweaks without bothering the list.

That's why we have NR 3.5 MIDI Output.

I think explaining how to use MIDI is separate from the Templates issue.

In my opinion, the templates are intended to be useful for doing real
LilyPond work, rather than primarily as tutorial elements (although they
serve a tutorial function as well).  With this view in mind, it seems to
me to be best to include the \midi block, with a comment that says to
eliminate the block (or comment it out) in order to eliminate MIDI output.


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