On Thu, 14 Aug 2008 10:29:28 -0400
Kieren MacMillan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> What can I do to help the docs project? At one point, we were
> talking about me doing some "large scale", "real world" examples ___
> putting together a real tutorial on chord name changes, revamping
> the examples on stylesheets, trying to develop comprehensive
> transposing- part guidelines, etc. ___ and that's still fine by me, if
> that's the best use of my skills and time.

Unfortunately, this is not the best time to start such a project.  I'm
leaving in 5 days, and I think it's best for the remaining doc team to
have a few weeks working by themselves -- finishing existing material,
sorting out who does what, getting more familiar with
texinfo/git/technical doc issues, etc.

I hate be discouraging, but I just can't see this going smoothly at the
moment.  I'd rather postpone it for a month -- or if necessary, 3 or 4
months (if you get busy again) until I think that the technical support
is there.

Could you review the docs, and put this idea on hold for a month or so
(ie after 2.12 and the immediate flurry of activity that will generate
dies down)?  Reviewing the docs may be more important than you realize;
large portions of the documentation were rewritten by people with
between 2 - 6 months of lilypond experience.  I would be surprised if
the current "finished" sections did not contain at least one inaccuracy
-- to say nothing of omissions.

Please see the GDP status on
and carefully review any of the "finished" or "draft" sections.

- Graham

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