2008/1/14, Andrew Hawryluk <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> In the relative octave section, paragraph beginning "When octaves are
> specified", I suggest we replace "as above" with "in absolute mode",
> "put a pitch" with "put a single pitch", and "prevents" with
> "reduces". This should clarify the intent of the paragraph, and the
> advantages of relative mode.

OK, updated. I didn't add "single", because the word is already
repeted twice in the next sentence.

> Under "automatic accidentals" the second paragraph is missing a ")" somewhere.

Oh yes. I also got rid of the "see below", that is not very elegant.

> Is it worth mentioning that LilyPond will not place accidentals on
> tied notes _except_ when the tie crosses a line break? (As an aside,
> does anyone know of a way to parenthesize the accidental in that
> case?)

I believe it is. I don't know if there is a way to cautionarize these
accidentals, but since Rune has been working a lot on that, you should
ask him.

> Also, I love the Beethoven excerpts. Very classy touch.

Of course, we ALL love Trevor's examples. He shouldn't have to be
fishing for compliments :)


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