Hi Mario,

Am 30.12.22 um 18:31 schrieb Mario Bolognani:
overriding mensural staff is an optimal solution, but have a look in future to baroque music transcriptors, like me…

So can you confirm that you actually want incipits that are not in "Renaissance" mensural style (like https://lilypond.org/doc/v2.22/Documentation/notation/working-with-ancient-music_002d_002dscenarios-and-solutions.html#incipits) but with "modern" clefs, time signatures, rests and note heads?

Note that the example

\version "2.24.0"

\language italiano

\new Staff \with {
  instrumentName = ""
} <<
  \incipit {
    \clef soprano
    \key do\major
    \time 3/2

is _not_ completely "modern" since it uses Mensural rests.

Can you provide a picture (or pdf) of what you aim for resp. what you created with old versions of LilyPond? I'd be willing to implement a possibility to select "modern" or "mensural" style for incipits, but this requires some evidence that it is actually needed.


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