Hi Mario,
Am 30.12.22 um 18:31 schrieb Mario Bolognani:
overriding mensural staff is an optimal solution, but have a look in
future to baroque music transcriptors, like me…
So can you confirm that you actually want incipits that are not in
"Renaissance" mensural style (like
but with "modern" clefs, time signatures, rests and note heads?
Note that the example
\version "2.24.0"
\language italiano
\new Staff \with {
instrumentName = ""
} <<
\incipit {
\clef soprano
\key do\major
\time 3/2
is _not_ completely "modern" since it uses Mensural rests.
Can you provide a picture (or pdf) of what you aim for resp. what you
created with old versions of LilyPond? I'd be willing to implement a
possibility to select "modern" or "mensural" style for incipits, but
this requires some evidence that it is actually needed.