Hi Mario,

Am 30.12.22 um 17:37 schrieb Mario Bolognani:
Hi Lukas,

this is the example where I’m using \numericTimeSignature

 \new Staff <<
                    \set Staff.instrumentName = \markup \center-column{""}
                    \incipit { \clef soprano \key do\major\time 3/2\numericTimeSignature  r2.^\markup \right-align"[Soprano]"}
                    \clef violin
                    \set Staff.midiInstrument = #"voice oohs"
                    \set Staff.shortInstrumentName = "sop"
                    \new Lyrics \lyricsto "sovrana" \IIItesto

Please always aim for short-yet-compilable examples like:

\version "2.24.0"

\language italiano

\new Staff \with {
  instrumentName = ""
} <<
  \incipit {
    \clef soprano
    \key do\major
    \time 3/2

At any rate: Yes, this is a complicated case. We noted that the change to \numericTimeSignature (which I made in order to make it work on the score-wide timing) stops it from working in MensuralStaff contexts, and incipits internally use a MensuralStaff, as Jean explained.

You can replace \numericTimeSignature by \override MensuralStaff.TimeSignature.style = #'numbered, or - if you want to have it for your whole score - you can also do:

\layout {
  \context {

I think the proper fix would be to make \incipit configurable: It's not self-evident to me that incipits should always be created in mensural style (but it is of course a sensible default, given the editing tradition of Renaissance music.)


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