On 2020-11-01 2:25 pm, David Rogers wrote:
Aaron Hill <lilyp...@hillvisions.com> writes:

On 2020-10-29 2:35 pm, David Kastrup wrote:
David Nalesnik <david.nales...@gmail.com> writes:

Hi Andrew,
On Wed, Oct 28, 2020 at 5:03 PM Andrew Bernard <andrew.bern...@gmail.com> wrote:
Hi David,
But it would be great in the future to have more and better MIDI
support. I no longer regard it as a small feature on the side, but
something I really need. For now, I will stick to outputting my New
Complexity School scores - which Dorico has trouble with! :-)

I think an important step in the process would be to make the MIDI
backend somehow accessible from Scheme. Then the power users would be
all over it.
Indeed.  And a unifying concept covering both grobs and MIDI objects
(mobs?) might even pave a way to iterative generation of time-based
MusicXML (xobs?) or Braille (bobs?) or other renditions of the musical

Mobs... 🤔

Could we get LilyPond to output a Minecraft world populated with appropriate redstone and noteblocks?

Somehow I’m now imagining a Lilypond Toys Output Module that builds
(literally!) a representation of my score out of Lego, Meccano,
Tinkertoys, Slinky, popsicle sticks, pipe cleaners, etc, choosing the
materials by some kind of algorithm. And any elements of a score that
involve extra Scheme code or tweaks, it will build from papier-mâché.
Consider it an alternative definition of “object-oriented”. :)

And now I am thinking of Pipe Dream from Animusic or that marble music machine by Wintergaten.

-- Aaron Hill

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