Hi Andrew,

On Wed, Oct 28, 2020 at 5:03 PM Andrew Bernard <andrew.bern...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi David,
> That's one view, but I have been using LilyPond for professional
> engraving for years and I am now moving into MIDI for generation of
> MIDI as the principal end output, for film scores and so on. That's a
> valid musical compositional use case. The engraved score is _not_
> always the principal object. So far more than mere proofing, I am
> (perhaps naively) attempting to use LilyPond to produce performance
> quality MIDI and I have discovered with no disrespect to anybody
> whatsoever that it is not the right tool for the job. So be it. But
> tools like Dorico exist (as you say) and a large part of the target
> market for that program is in fact film scoring and it comes with full
> MIDI support and a large library of VST instruments. I don't suppose
> MIDI in LilyPond will be raised to that level, and I am critically
> aware of the lack of development resources for LilyPond. But this is
> nowadays an important matter to me that it may be the final stimulus
> to move to Dorico, at least for this aspect of my work. Nothing wrong
> with having many tools in the toolchest. But it would be great in the
> future to have more and better MIDI support. I no longer regard it as
> a small feature on the side, but something I really need. For now, I
> will stick to outputting my New Complexity School scores - which
> Dorico has trouble with! :-)
> Andrew

I think an important step in the process would be to make the MIDI
backend somehow accessible from Scheme.  Then the power users would be
all over it.

David N.

> On Thu, 29 Oct 2020 at 04:07, David Rogers <davidandrewrog...@gmail.com> 
> wrote:
> > OK, after three tries, now I know my own opinion: If it would take
> > “real work” to make unfolded repeats for MIDI, then I’d wish that
> > time and effort had been spent on other Lilypond issues instead.
> > And if working on MIDI would turn into a distraction, or would
> > “open a can of worms”, then IMO it wouldn’t be worth it. There
> > certainly is software out there for creating
> > artistically-orchestrated MIDI.
> >

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