David Kastrup <d...@gnu.org> writes:
Marc Shepherd <oakapp...@gmail.com> writes:
According to the documentation, the default behavior of the
MIDI block is
not to “unfold” repeats (other than those that are explicitly
\repeat unfold).
If you want repeats unfolded inside of a MIDI block, you have
to requote
the music within the MIDI block, nested inside of an
\unfoldRepeats block.
Any idea why that was chosen as the default behavior? When
composers write
a repeat, they usually expect it to be performed. I would have
thought that
automatically unfolding would be the more logical default.
The MIDI output of LilyPond is mainly intended for
"proofhearing", not
as a performance; it has been fairly recently only that attempts
to take
into account articulation marks (which are seminal for a
have been added. As such, unfolding repeats makes the material
without adding more information.
I started this reply with one idea, and have already changed my
mind. I *was* going to say that the small size of MIDI files means
there’s less reason to discuss wasted space. But now I think the
bigger issue is the other thing you talked about: there’s a sort
of unofficial division between MIDI files as just a quick way of
allowing the notes to be heard (sort of a musical
proof-of-concept), and MIDI files as carefully-orchestrated
performances worth listening to in themselves.
I think the fact that a person is using Lilypond means they want a
properly-printed score, and making the effort to print a nice
score implies a planned live performance. Which (in my mind)
allows Lilypond’s MIDI into the “mere proof of concept” category.
OK, after three tries, now I know my own opinion: If it would take
“real work” to make unfolded repeats for MIDI, then I’d wish that
time and effort had been spent on other Lilypond issues instead.
And if working on MIDI would turn into a distraction, or would
“open a can of worms”, then IMO it wouldn’t be worth it. There
certainly is software out there for creating
artistically-orchestrated MIDI.
David Rogers