On 2020-10-27 12:34 pm, Jean Abou Samra wrote:
Le 27/10/2020 à 20:08, Marc Shepherd a écrit :

According to the documentation, the default behavior of the MIDI block is not to “unfold” repeats (other than those that are explicitly \repeat unfold). If you want repeats unfolded inside of a MIDI block, you have to requote the music within the MIDI block, nested inside of an \unfoldRepeatsblock.

Any idea why that was chosen as the default behavior? When composers write a repeat, they usually expect it to be performed. I would have thought that automatically unfolding would be the more logical default.

-- Marc Shepherd


I believe this is just for technical reasons -- currently
there is no proper way to create volta repeats that are
automatically unfolded in MIDI. If that became possible in
the future, it would certainly be the default.

To add to this, even with \unfoldRepeats, LilyPond cannot obey other instructions to "da capo" or "dal segno al coda". Users who want the MIDI to be accurate will have to manually rejuggle their music anyway.

-- Aaron Hill

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