> [...] I'll let you know if I think of anything else. Great suggestions, from you and all other contributors!
> I wish I could help a little more directly, but I'm in the middle of > a few very busy weeks. I would like to be involved in some way next > year. Well, we need all posters approximately one week before the conference starts so that they can be plotted in time. In other words, we need something until Jan 9th, which gives us more than a month. I think that using lyluatex might be a good option. The main question, however, is which poster class we should use. Some ideas can be found at https://www.latextemplates.com/cat/conference-posters ; another possibility could be http://www.brian-amberg.de/uni/poster . Urs, could you set up a git repository for a LilyPond poster? Werner