Hi David,
Am 04.12.19 um 19:44 schrieb David Menéndez Hurtado:
I have some experience making posters for conferences, so I will share
in case anyone is up for stepping up.
Yes, the idea is ideally to do that in a collaborative fashion.
For a conference, you want to focus the poster in one single idea that
you want the reader to take home. What drew me to Lilypond was the
essay, so that is what I would turn into a poster:
It is visual, straightforward, and a good case for Lilypond.
I think this is a very good suggestion.
Once you have grabbed someone's attention, you may include one or two
side stories. This must be short and sweet, but feel free to go into
technical details. For example, the ability to engrave Gregorian
chant, the possibility of arbitrarily expand it with Scheme code, or
that you can write the notes in any language (yay! I don't have to
spend time thinking what note D is!).
The poster shouldn't necessarily stand on its own if someone is
willing to be there during the poster session to explain and expand.
You definitely don't want to put a cheat sheet or a manual because no
one is going to learn Lilypond at the poster session, the goal is to
make it memorable so they go home and learn it. Snippets are fine, but
completeness is not required nor desirable. A personal workflow can be
useful on the side, for someone already familiar with Lilypond or
convinced of its coolness.
We can also have the option to show more than one poster, with one
driving home that main point while another may be good to showcase one
or more crazy applications.
Re-reading my email I realised I may sound a bit too harsh,
not at all, it is straight to the point and good at it.
so please do not take it badly, it wasn't meant like that. I have been
to plenty of conferences with professional scientists, that are
supposed to do this for a living, with terrible terrible posters. The
result is that people just gloss over, and only the two people that
were already interested (and likely knew the project) ever talk about
it. Also, in an engineering students recruiting fair, I saw plenty of
posters that seemed aimed at investors, so recruiters seem to be bad
at this too. There are very few good examples to learn from in the wild.
I hope this helps.
On Wed, 4 Dec 2019 at 15:10, <k...@aspodata.se
<mailto:k...@aspodata.se>> wrote:
> the music engraving conference in Salzburg (January 17.-19.) aims to
> present as much note engraving programs as possible. While some
> companies send representatives (e.g., Dorico, Capella, Finale) –
> even with talks – we don't have something similar for LilyPond
in the
> main part of the conference.
> Instead, we would like to have a poster (in A0 format) that
shows how
> LilyPond works, together with some showcase results.
> Now my question: Are there people who are willing to produce such a
> poster? Has anyone already done something similar for other
> conferences?
I could do a poster about my workflow and what features it brings me.
I'd also much like to attend but I cannot afford the travel expenses.
Regarding lilypond in general I dont know what that kind of poster
would contain, the lerning manual in a poster format ?
/Karl Hammar