David Menéndez Hurtado: ... > I think it is a good idea to gather some statistics on what drew people to > Lilypond, so I have made a quick and informal survey: > > https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScAhjveMwqAD50YXLsWnclPILT2j20xaroeZ3QolAUFWRA_vA/viewform > > Hopefully, we can converge on a few things that make people start and stick > to highlight on the poster. I am sure I am missing things, that is why I > called it informal, so please add suggestions. I will add them to the > options.
Not fond of thoose web forms/sites. I mentioned four possible headers: . quality in detail . excellent print quality . one source, multiple output variations like Simon Albrecht pointed to, and which I was thinking about . flexibility, whatever you need, it can be done Do you have any input on thoose, or do you suggest some other poster topic ? Regards, /Karl Hammar