Am 12. Januar 2020 12:43:04 MEZ schrieb Klaus Blum <>:
>Hi Urs, hi Jan-Peter,
>thanks for your feedback.
>Am 12.01.2020 um 09:59 schrieb Urs Liska:
>> I can't really imagine how the font sizes will turn out on a real A0
>> poster, but I assume you have thought about that (or used tested
>> templates).
>Honestly, I have no experience about that. I blindly trusted the
>template that Urs has chosen:
>The font size for the normal text turned out to be about 24 pt, that's
>what I used as well.
>I've just made a quick test: At a distance of 2 meters, I can clearly
>read it. With 3 meters, it's still possible but less comfortable.
>Should we go for even bigger font size?

I don't think so, thanks for checking.

The typical reading distance would be about 1-2 m at most, actually I'd say an 
arm's length.



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