On Sun, 2019-09-15 at 10:51 +1000, Andrew Bernard wrote:
> engrave. I disagree with one of his major concepts, which is that
> the 
> bars should be 3.0 cm wide and represent one second of music. He's 
> really insistent on this. Personally I don't believe this helps the 
> musicians at all, and music is not graph paper as far as I am
> concerned, 
> speaking as a player.

I am using lilypond to transcribe drum parts for myself to play.  Drum
parts may be different than other types of music.  However, I find it
very helpful for the same measures of music to appear the same
throughout the piece.  Same bar width and same note spacing.
 Especially as I read ahead with music I am familiar with.  This is a
little different than your requirements.

However, having said that I would also like the option to have evenly
spaced bars.

> Can somebody with deeper knowledge say if this is a forlorn hope?
> The 
> beauty of Lilypond is its magnificent layout engine, but perhaps the 
> designers never imagined composers would want fixed width bars, and
> so 
> it can't be done. I don't know.

I appreciate the bump.  Hoping to hear more experts weigh in on the

Lilypond seems *very* flexible in it's layout choices.  I would be
surprised if this *can't* be done.


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