I didn't fail to notice the crickets chirping, but I'm hoping someone
can steer me in the right direction.

What I want is to define the way a given measure of music looks
throughout the piece.  In other words, I would like the width of the
bar should be identical regardless of whatever else is going on in the
line in which it appears.

Is that possible in lilypond?

At present I have to tweak each line, and even then I can't make the
bar width the same every time.


On Fri, 2019-08-30 at 22:51 -0700, Stefano Antonelli wrote:
> Dear list,
> I'm trying to control measure width using proportional spacing.  And
> it's not working as expected.
> I created a kind of "into/out of" proportional notation wrapper:
> ePUT  =
> #(define-music-function
>  (parser location num music)
>  (number? ly:music?)
> #{
> \set Score.proportionalNotationDuration = #(ly:make-moment 1 num)
> \override Score.SpacingSpanner.uniform-stretching = ##t
> #music
> \set Score.proportionalNotationDuration = #(ly:make-moment 1/4)
> \override Score.SpacingSpanner.uniform-stretching = ##f
> #})
> Based on a previous email exchange and used it around phrases I want
> to
> have a fixed width, no matter where they are used (easily
> recognised).
>  However, I discovered that depending on where they are located, a
> different moment was needed.
> I've attached a part of the score I'm working on (actually a drum
> transcription), stripped down a bit.  Maybe there's an obvious
> problem
> to more experienced eyes.
> Briefly, the first 4 lines contain phrases that are used more than
> once.  The very last measure on the last line (\fill1) is the only
> measure not seen elsewhere.
> To give an example of the problem, in one location I need:
> \ePUT #14 { \chorusI }  % ie. make-moment 1/14
> but in another location I need:
> \ePUT #3 { \chorusI }   % ie. make-moment 1/3
> for what are the same notes.  This behaviour makes no sense to me.   
> Am I doing something fundamentally wrong?
> Basically the only widths I want flexible are the percent repeats and
> \fill1.  If there's another way, I'd appreciate suggestions.
> The file as attached works with 2.19.83 (I use 2.18.2) and has the
> same
> behaviour.  So I don't think this is a bug.  Likely a problem between
> the chair and the keyboard...
> Thanks,
> Stef

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