Hi Stefano,
I work extensively with a New Complexity School composer whose work I
engrave. I disagree with one of his major concepts, which is that the
bars should be 3.0 cm wide and represent one second of music. He's
really insistent on this. Personally I don't believe this helps the
musicians at all, and music is not graph paper as far as I am concerned,
speaking as a player.
I have tried for years to make equal, fixed width bars with proportional
notation in Lilypond. With his music changing time signature sometimes
every bar, I am utterly unable to achieve what he wants. The requirement
is simple - fixed width bars of a specified size.
I have a vague idea that this concept goes completely against the design
of the lilypond layout engine, and so it may be stupid to even want
this. But much as I disagree with the musical justification for this,
this topic does keep coming up on this list from time to time from
others also.
Can somebody with deeper knowledge say if this is a forlorn hope? The
beauty of Lilypond is its magnificent layout engine, but perhaps the
designers never imagined composers would want fixed width bars, and so
it can't be done. I don't know.
On 15/09/2019 9:18 am, Stefano Antonelli wrote:
What I want is to define the way a given measure of music looks
throughout the piece. In other words, I would like the width of the
bar should be identical regardless of whatever else is going on in the
line in which it appears.
Is that possible in lilypond?
At present I have to tweak each line, and even then I can't make the
bar width the same every time.
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