Hi, everyone, I'd like help getting 2nd and 3rd verses to align in the
assigned staves rather than dropping to the bottom. I've attached the files
and choralpart.ly is the file to compile.

In summary, the construct I am using is:

\new Lyrics = "firstVerse" \lyricsto "tenors" \lyricmode {
      *not repeated text*
                        { *first verse* }
        \new Lyrics = "secondVerse"
                \with { alignBelowContext = #"firstVerse" }
                \set associatedVoice = "tenors"
*                        second verse*
*not repeated text*

Any help is greatly appreciated.

%This is the file to compile

\version "2.18.0"

\include "english.ly"

%including the music content
\include "content.ly"

#(set-global-staff-size 14)
\paper {
#(set-paper-size "letter")
	left-margin = 1\in
		top-margin = 1\in
		line-width = 6.5 \in
		paper-width = 8.5 \in
		paper-height = 11 \in
		top-margin = 0.5 \in
		bottom-margin = 1 \in
		ragged-bottom = ##f
		obsolete-between-system-space = 0.75\in  system-system-spacing #'basic-distance = #(/ obsolete-between-system-space staff-space)  score-system-spacing #'basic-distance = #(/ obsolete-between-system-space staff-space)
		%        ragged-last-bottom = ##t

\layout {
	\context {                                             
		\type "Engraver_group"                             
			\name "MarkLine"                               
			\consists "Output_property_engraver"           
			\consists "Axis_group_engraver"                
			%            \consists "Mark_engraver"
			\consists "Metronome_mark_engraver"            
			\override VerticalAxisGroup.minimum-Y-extent = #'(4 . 0 ) 
	\context {
			%                        \remove "Mark_engraver"
			%                       \remove "Metronome_mark_engraver"
			\accepts MarkLine
			%                      \remove "Staff_collecting_engraver"
			% \override SpacingSpanner.uniform-stretching = ##t
		\context {
				%\consists "Mark_engraver"
				\consists "Staff_collecting_engraver"
}%end layout
	title = "Karaniya Metta Sutta"
		composer = "Traditional Buddhist chant, arr. Keizen Li Qian"
		%copyright = "Karaniya Metta Sutta by Keizen Li Qian is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 Unported License."

%\bookpart { 
	\score {
		%full system group
			\new ChoirStaff <<
			\new Staff {
				\override Staff.InstrumentName.self-alignment-X = #RIGHT
					\set Staff.instrumentName = \markup \right-column {
				%\new Voice = "Tenor1"  
					\set Staff.shortInstrumentName = #"S"
					\new Voice = "sopranos" %<<

		\lyricsto "sopranos" \new Lyrics \sopWords
			%>> %end T1 staff

			\new Staff <<
			\override Staff.InstrumentName.self-alignment-X = #RIGHT
			\set Staff.instrumentName = \markup \right-column {
		%\new Voice = "Tenor2"  
			\set Staff.shortInstrumentName = #"A"
			\new Voice = "altos" <<

			\lyricsto "altos" \new Lyrics \altoWords
			\new Staff <<
			\override Staff.InstrumentName.self-alignment-X = #RIGHT
			\set Staff.instrumentName = \markup \right-column {
		\set Staff.shortInstrumentName = #"T"
			\new Voice = "tenors" <<

			\new Lyrics \lyricsto "tenors" \tenorWords
			\new Staff <<
			\override Staff.InstrumentName.self-alignment-X = #RIGHT
			\set Staff.instrumentName = \markup \right-column {
		%\new Voice = "Bass"  
			\set Staff.shortInstrumentName = #"B"
			\new Voice = "basses" <<

			\lyricsto "basses" \new Lyrics \bassWords
			%end choir staff group

			%end full system group

	} %end score

	\header {
		piece = ""
	%} %end bookpart2

\version "2.18.0"
\include "english.ly"
%shorthand identifiers
\include "ident.ly"

%include in each top-staff inside <<>> with musical content
global= {
	\key b \major \time 4/4
		4/4        % timeSignatureFraction
		1/4        % baseMomentFraction
#'(1 1 1 1)    % beatStructure
#'()       % beamExceptions

		%end global block

%music contents organized as identifiers
%rehearsal marks for all parts and print only once at top of full score

%SATB chorus
sopMusic = \relative c'' {

	\tempo 4 = 190
		gs8 gs gs gs gs4 gs8 gs~ | gs gs gs4 fs8( e) gs as~ | as gs gs gs gs4 fs8 gs~ | gs2. r4 |
		R1*4 gs8 gs gs as4 gs gs8 | cs4 cs as8 gs gs as~ | as gs gs4 gs8 gs4 gs8 | 
		as4 gs8 fs4 e gs8 | gs4 gs8 as4 gs8 gs4 | %satisfied
		fs8 gs gs4 gs8 gs4 gs8 | r gs gs4 gs8 gs gs gs | r4 as8 as r2 | gs8 gs  gs as4-> gs8 gs gs | as-> as as-> as r2 | %m19
		gs1 \melisma | as4 gs2. | gs1 | \repeat volta 2 { gs2. r4 | gs1 | as4 gs2. | gs1 \melismaEnd } | r4 as as as | \key df \major
		bf8 bf4 bf8 bf4 bf8 bf~ | bf bf bf bf4 bf8 bf8 bf | bf2 r | bf1 \melisma | bf | bf | %m33
		bf2 \melismaEnd r4 bf8 bf~ | bf bf bf bf4 bf bf8~ | bf bf4. r4 c4 | ef4. df8 df4 c4 | %m37 happy
		bf8-! bf df2. \melisma | c1 | c | c8 <df af> <df af>2. | <e g,>2 \melismaEnd r4 c4 | \key c \major
		e8 e e e c4 b8 c~ | c c4 <d b>8 <e a,>4 <e a,> | e4 d8 c d4 g,8 c~ | c f, f <c' f,>4 <c f,>8 <a f>4 | %or far
		<c e,>8 <c e,>4 <a e> <g e> <g e>8 | <e g> <e g> <d g>2 <g e'>4 | %m48 all beings 2

			e'4( d8) 
		<g c>8 <g c>4 <g b> | <g c>8 <g c>4. r4 <g b>4 \melisma | <g c>1 | <g b> | <g b> | <g a> \melismaEnd | 
		\repeat volta 3 { 
			r2 <g c> \melisma | <g c>2 <g b>2 | 
	\alternative {
			<g b>1 | <g b> 
			<g b>1 | <g b> 
			<g c> <g c>

	<g c>4 \melismaEnd r <g c>2 |%m63
		\tuplet 3/2 1 { <g e'>2 <g e'> <g e'> | <a ds> <a ds><a ds> | <as d?><as d><as d>( |
				<g d'>) <g c> <g c> | <a f'> <a e'> <g c> | a g a4 a | <a d>2 <a d> <g d'> | <g cs>4 <g cs> <g cs>2 <g c> 
		} %end tuplets
	| <g d'> <f b> | <g c>1 \melisma | <g c>  | <g b> | <f b> | <a c> | <g c> | <g b> |<g b> | <g c>2 \melismaEnd r4 c,8 ef |%mother
		f f f gf4 gf8 gf af~ | \key df \major af af af4 c8 df( c) af |
		af4 gf8 gf ef'4. df8 | df4 c8 c bf4 gf8 af | f4. f r4 | 
		r2 c'8 c bf4 | gf8 af4 f f f8 | af4 r f f | r4. bf8 bf4 bf | df4 df df c | \repeat volta 3 {
			<af df>1 \melisma | <af df> | <bf df> | <af c> |
	<f af> | <gf af> |af | af \melismaEnd |%m99
		df8 c af df( af) c4. | gf8 f df f4 gf8 af4 | af4 af8 bf4 c8 df4 | af8 af af4 df c8 bf~ | bf bf bf bf4 bf8 bf df~ | df c c4. af4. | gf f4 f4. |
		f1 \melisma | f | f | gf| af | <af c> | <af c> | <af df> | af2~ af8 \melismaEnd af4. \melisma | 
		a2 c \melismaEnd | r8 c c c c4 c8 b~ | \key g \major b4 b8 b d b b4 | r8 c <c e>4 <c e> <c e> | r8 d <a e'>4 <a e'>8 <a e'>4 <a e'>8 | %m122
		r8 b d b d2 | <a d>4 c8 b( a4) r4 |
		g4 \melisma fs2. | fs1 | g | a \melismaEnd | %m126
		r4 a g fs8 fs | fs4 fs8 fs4 g4. | a8 b c4 b8 b4 c8 | <b d>4 <b d> <b d>8 <b d> <b d>4 | <b d> <b d>2. | 

		\bar "|."
sopWords = \lyricmode {
	This is to be done by one who is skilled in good- ness on the path to peace:
		Let them be a- ble and up- right, ea- sy to talk to, gen- tle, hum- ble, 
		un- con- ceit- ed, 

		Con- tent and ea- si- ly sa- tis- fied, un- bur- dened with rich- es and liv- ing light- ly. 
			Peace- ful and wise, mod- est and un- de- mand- ing. Oh --

			Oh Let them not do the slight- est thing that the wise would crit- i- cize. Oh --
			Wish- ing: In safe- ty and in bliss, may all be- ings be hap- py. 
			Oh --
			All liv- ing be- ings, weak or strong, great or might- y, me- di- um, short, or small, seen and un- seen, near or far, Those born and to be born, may all be- ings be hap- py. 
			Oh -- Oh --

			May no one bring down or de- spise an- oth- er. May no one by an- ger or a- ver- sion wish harm up- on an- oth- er.  
			Oh --

			As a moth- er pro- tects with her life her child, her on- ly child, So with all be- ings, let the heart be- come bound- less.
			let the heart be- come bound- less: a- bove, out- ward, un- trou- bled, free from ha- tred. 
			Oh --
			Stand- ing or walk- ing, seat- ed or ly- ing down, free from drow- si- ness, cul- ti- vate mind- ful- ness. This is called the sub- lime a- bid- ing here and now. 
			Oh -- /u/

			By let- ting go of views, liv- ing eth- i- cally, with wis- dom, free from sense de- si- res, 
		one goes be- yond life and death. Oh -- 
			Kā- me- su vi- ney- ya ge- dhaṃ
			na hi jā- tu gab- bha- sey- yaṃ pu- na- re- tī- ti


altoMusic = \relative c' {
	ds8 ds ds ds ds4 ds8 ds~ | ds ds ds4 fs8( e) ds cs~ | cs ds ds ds ds4 fs8 ds~ | ds2. r4 |
		R1*4 ds8 ds ds fs4 e e8 | fs4 fs fs8 e e fs~ | fs e e4 ds8 ds4 ds8 | fs4 e8 ds4 cs ds8 | ds4 ds8 cs4 ds8 ds4 | %satisfied
		ds8 ds ds4 ds8 ds4 ds8 | r ds ds4 ds8 ds ds ds | r4 ds8 ds r2 |  % m17
		ds8 ds ds8 cs4-> ds8 ds ds | cs-> cs cs8-> cs r2 | ds1 \melisma | cs4 ds2. | ds1 | ds2. r4 | ds1 | cs4 ds2. | ds1 \melismaEnd |
		r4 es es es | %df major
		\key df \major
		f8 f4 f8 f4 f8 f~ | f f f f4 f8 f8 f | f2 r2 | f1 \melisma | f | f |  %m33
		f2 \melismaEnd r4 f8 f~ | f8 f gf gf4 gf gf8~ | gf gf4. r4 af4 | af4. af8 f4 f4 | %happy (oh) all
		f8-! f gf2. \melisma | f1 | f | f | %m41
		g2 \melismaEnd r4 g4 | %c major
		\key c \major
		g8 g g g g4 g8 g~ | g a4 g8 g4 g | g4 g8 g g4 e8 e~ | e e e f4 f8 f4 | %m46 or far
		e8 e4 e d d8 | c8 c c2 e4 | d4. e8 e4 f | e8 e4. r4 f4 \melisma | 
		f1 | f | f | f \melismaEnd | r2 f2 \melisma | f1 | f1 | f | f | f | f | f | f4 \melismaEnd r f2 |%m63
		\tuplet 3/2 1 {
			e e e | f f f | f f f( | e) e e | f f e | e e e4 e | e2 e e | e4 e e2 e } |
			d2 d | e1 \melisma | e | d | d | e | e | d | d  | e2 \melismaEnd r4 c8 ef | %mother m76
			ef ef ef ef4 ef8 ef ef( | \key df \major df) df df4 df8 df4 df8 | c4 c8 c c4. c8 | f4 f8 f f4 f8 ef |
			df4. df r4 | r2 f8 f gf4 | ef8 f4 ef df f8 |af4 r df, df | r4. gf8 gf4 gf | af af af af | %repeat m91
			f1 \melisma | f gf | ef | df | df | df| c \melismaEnd |
			df8 ef f df( f) f4. | gf8 f df f4 f8 f4 | df8( ef) f gf4 af8 gf4 | f8 f f4 af f8 gf~ | gf gf gf gf4 gf8 gf gf~ | gf gf f4( ef8) ef4. | ef4. df4 df4. | %m106
			df1 \melisma | df | df| df | ef | f | f | f | %114
			f2~ f8 \melismaEnd ef4. \melisma | d2 gf \melismaEnd | r8 gf gf gf gf4 gf8 g~ | \key g \major
			g4 g8 g g g g4 | r8 g e4 e fs | r8 d e4 fs8 fs4 fs8 | r8 g g g fs2 | d4 d8 d4. r4 |%m122
			d4 \melisma d2. | c1 | b | d \melismaEnd | r4 c c c8 c | c4 c8 c4 b4. | d8 d d4 g8 g4 a8 | g4 g g8 g g4 | g4 g2. |

altoWords =\lyricmode {
	This is to be done by one who is skilled in good- ness on the path to peace:
		Let them be a- ble and up- right, ea- sy to talk to, gen- tle, hum- ble, 
		un- con- ceit- ed, 

		Con- tent and ea- si- ly sa- tis- fied, un- bur- dened with rich- es and liv- ing light- ly. 
			Peace- ful and wise, mod- est and un- de- mand- ing. Oh --

			Oh Let them not do the slight- est thing that the wise would crit- i- cize. Oh --
			Wish- ing: In safe- ty and in bliss, may all be- ings be hap- py. 
			Oh --
			All liv- ing be- ings, weak or strong, great or might- y, me- di- um, short, or small, seen and un- seen, near or far, Those born and to be born, may all be- ings be hap- py. 
			Oh -- Oh --

			May no one bring down or de- spise an- oth- er. May no one by an- ger or a- ver- sion wish harm up- on an- oth- er.  
			Oh --

			As a moth- er pro- tects with her life her child, her on- ly child, So with all be- ings, let the heart be- come bound- less.
			let the heart be- come bound- less: a- bove, out- ward, un- trou- bled, free from ha- tred. 
			Oh --

			Stand- ing or walk- ing, seat- ed or ly- ing down, free from drow- si- ness, cul- ti- vate mind- ful- ness. This is called the sub- lime a- bid- ing here and now. 

			Oh -- /u/

			By let- ting go of views, liv- ing eth- i- cally, with wis- dom, free from sense de- si- res, 
		one goes be- yond life and death. Oh -- 
			Kā- me- su vi- ney- ya ge- dhaṃ
			na hi jā- tu gab- bha- sey- yaṃ pu- na- re- tī- ti


tenorMusic = \relative c' {
	\clef "G_8"

		gs1 \melisma gs gs gs2 \melismaEnd r4 gs8 gs |
		gs4 gs8 gs4 gs8 ds fs | gs4 gs gs gs | as gs gs8 gs4 gs8 | as8 gs ds( fs) gs2~ | gs1
		gs4 gs gs8 gs gs fs~ | fs gs gs4 gs8 gs4 gs8 |%unconceited 
		gs4 gs8 gs4 gs r8 | gs4. \melisma fs4 gs4. | as8 gs8 gs2. | gs2 \melismaEnd r4 gs8 gs | r4 as8 as r2 | %m17
		gs8 gs gs8 ds4-> gs8 gs gs | ds4 r gs4 as | b8 b4 as8 gs as b4 | as gs8 as b4 as | % m21
		as4 as8 as4 as8 b cs | b16( cs b8) as4 gs as | b8 b4 as8 gs as b4 | as gs as8 b4 as8~ | as as as4 as8 b cs cs | %m26
		b16( cs b8) as4 r2 | \key df \major bf1 \melisma | bf2. \melismaEnd r4 | %m29
		bf8 c df4 df8( c4) bf8 | c4. df8 c4 c | df df4. c8 c4 | c4. c8 c4. bf8 | c df c4 bf2 | %m34
		r4 df2. \melisma | df1 | ef2 af,4 \melismaEnd r | bf8 c df4 df df | c8 c4 ef df4. | c4 f f c | c8 df4 df8 df ef df4 | c1 | \key c \major %m42
		c2 d4 d8 c~ | c e4 d8 c4 c | c4 c8 c c4 a8 a~ | a a a a4 a8 c4 | %or far m46
		a8 a4 d, g g8 | g g g2 g4 | g4. g8 g4 g | g8 g4. r4 g | %keci
		c4 c8 c4 b8 b4 | b8( c) b4 b8 c4 b8~ | b4 b c8 b4 b8~ |
		b a b c b4 a | %m55
		r4 a  c c | c b8 b4 c4 b8 | b4 c8 b4 b b8 | b4 b8 c b4 a | b4 c8 b4 b b8 | b4 b8 b c b4 a8 | %sabbe 2
		c4 f f c | c8 d4 d8 d e d4 | c1 | %m63
		r1 | c \melisma | gs | \tuplet 3/2 1 {
			g?1 \melismaEnd g2 | f f e | e e e4 e | e( f) g( a) as2  | 
				as4 as as2 as | } %m71 neparo
				b g4 a8 b | c4 c8 c( b) a b4 | c b4. b4 c8 | b4 a b8 b4 b8 | b b( c) b4. a4~ |
				a r4. a8 b4 | c c8 c( b) b b b | c4 b b c8 c~| c b4 b8 b4 b8 b( | %chey ya
						c8) b a2 r4 | af2 \melisma gf | \key df \major f1 | af | af \melismaEnd | %m85
				r2 c8 bf f f'~ | f f4 r8 f f gf4 | ef8 f4 ef df r8 | r4 c,8 ef4 r4. | %m89
				r8 gf8 gf4 r2 | af8( bf) c( df) ef4 ef | %repeat m91
				df4 df f8 ef4 df8 | ef4 f  ef4. ef8~ | ef ef ef4 ef ef8 ef~| ef ef ef f ef4 df |
				df df f8 ef4 df8 | ef8 ef f4 ef ef8 ef~ | ef f4 ef ef8 ef4 | ef4 ef8 f ef4 df~ |
				df r df df | r2 df4 df | %m101
				df8( ef) df8 df4 c8 bf4 | df8 df df4 af af8 af | gf1 \melisma | af | af4 \melismaEnd r2 c4 | %m106
				df4 df8 df4 c8 df4 | ef df4. c8 df4 | ef df df ef8 df~ | df df df df ef df4. | %m110
				c2 r4 c | ef ef8 ef( df) c df4 | ef df4. df4 ef8 | ef4 df c8 df4 df8~ | df df ef df4 df4. | c4( bf a2) |
				a1 \melisma | \key g \major b | g | fs | g | fs \melismaEnd |
				g4 a a8 a a g | g4 a8 a4 a8 g4 | g a8 a4 g8 g4 | g fs4. r | %m126
				r4 fs g a8 a | a( g) fs a4 g4. | fs8 g a4 g8 g4  a8 | a4 g g8 g g( a) | g4 g2. |

tenorWords = 
\new Lyrics = "firstVerse" \lyricsto "tenors" \lyricmode 
	Oh -- Kā- ra- ni- ya mat- tha ku- sa- le- na yaṃ taṃ saṃ taṃ pa- daṃ a- bhi- sa mec- ca:
		up- right, ea- sy to talk to, gen- tle, hum- ble, 
		un- con- ceit- ed, 

		Oh -- liv- ing light- ly.  Peace- ful and wise, mod- est and un-.
			Sa- ko u- ju ca su- hu- ju ca, su- va- co cas- sa mu- du an- a- ti- 

			{ mā- ni. 
				San- tus sa- ko ca su- bha- ro ca ap- pa- ki- co ca sa- la- hu- ka- -- }
	\new Lyrics = "secondVerse"
		\with { alignBelowContext = #"firstVerse" }
		\set associatedVoice = "tenors"
			vu- ti, San- tin dri- yo ca ni- pa- ko ca ap- pa ghab- bho ku- le su a- na- nu 
		gid- dho. Oh --

		Na- ca ku- daṃ sa- ma- ca- re kin- ci, ye- na viñ- ñu pa- re u- pa- va- dey- yuṃ. Oh --

		Su- khi- no vā khe- mi- no hon- tu sab- be sat tā bha- van- tu su- khi- tat- tā.
		Oh weak or strong, great or might- y, me- di- um, short, or small, seen and un- seen, near or far, Those born and to be born, may all be- ings be hap- py. 
		Ye ke- ci pā- na bhū- tat- thi ta- sā vā thā- va- rā vā  a- na- va- se- sā
			Dī- ghā	vā ye ma- han- tā vā maj- jhi- mā ras- sa- kā- nu- ka- thū- lā
	\new Lyrics = "secondVerse"
		\with {alignBelowContext = #"firstVerse" }
		\set associatedVoice = "tenors"
			Dit- thā vā ye-	va ad- dit- thā 

	\new Lyrics = "thirdVerse"
		\with {alignBelowContext = #"secondVerse" }
		\set associatedVoice = "tenors"
			Bhū- tā vā sam-	bha- ve- sī vā

		ye ca dū- re va- san- ti a- vi- dū- re 
		sab- be sat tā bha- van- tu su- khi- tat- tā.

		Oh --

		May no one by an- ger or a- ver- sion wish harm up- on an- oth- er.  

		Na pa- ro pa- raṃ ni- kub- be- tha	
		nā- ti-	mañ- ñe- tha kat- tha- ci naṃ kañ- ci
		by- ā- ro- sa- nā pa- ṭi-	gha- sañ- ñā
		nāñ- ña- mañ- ñas- sa duk- kha-	mic- chey- ya
		Oh -- Lo- ving the whole world, let the heart be- come bound- less. be- low, un- blocked, free from ha- tred.

			Mā- tā ya- thā ni- yaṃ put- taṃ
				ā- yu- sā e- ka- put- ta- ma- nu- rak- khe
	\new Lyrics {
		\new Lyrics = "secondVerse"
			\with {alignBelowContext = #"firstVerse" }

		\set associatedVoice = "tenors"
			E- vam-	pi sab-	ba- bhū- te- sū
			mā- na-	saṃ bhā- va- ye a- pa- ri- mā- ṇaṃ
	\new Lyrics {
		\new Lyrics = "thirdVerse"
			\with {alignBelowContext = #"secondVerse" }
		\set associatedVoice = "tenors"

			Met- taṃ ca sab- ba- lo- kas- miṃ
			mā- na-	saṃ bhā- va- ye a- pa- ri- mā- ṇaṃ

		Ud- dhaṃ a- dho ca ti- ri- yañ-	ca
		a- sam- bā- dhaṃ a- ve- raṃ a- sa- pat-	taṃ

		walk- ing, lie down, free from drow- si- ness, cul- ti- vate mind- ful- ness. Oh --

		Tiṭ- ṭhaṃ  ca- raṃ  ni-	sin- no	vā	
		sa- yā-	no  vā yā- va- tas- sa vi- ga- ta- mid- dho
		E- taṃ sa- tiṃ  a- dhiṭ- ṭhey- ya
		brah- ma- me- taṃ vi- hā- raṃ i- dha- mā- hu
		/u/ /a/

		Diṭ- ṭhiñ- ca a- nu- pa- gam- ma sī- la- vā
		das- sa- ne- na sam- pan- no
		Kā- me- su vi- ney- ya ge- dhaṃ
		na hi jā- tu gab- bha- sey- yaṃ pu- na- re- tī- ti

bassMusic = \relative c {
	\clef bass 

		gs1 \melisma gs gs gs2 \melismaEnd r4 gs8 gs |
		gs4 gs8 gs4 gs8 ds fs | gs4 gs gs gs | as gs gs8 gs4 gs8 | as8 gs ds( fs) gs2~ | gs1
		gs4 gs gs8 gs gs fs~ | fs gs gs4 gs8 gs4 gs8 |%unconceited 
		gs4 gs8 gs4 gs r8 | gs4. \melisma fs4 gs4. | as8 gs8 gs2. | gs2 \melismaEnd r4 gs8 gs | r4 as8 as r2 | %m17
		gs8 gs gs8 ds4-> gs8 gs gs | ds4 r gs4 as | b8 b4 as8 gs as b4 | as gs8 as b4 as | % m21
		as4 as8 as4 as8 b cs | b16( cs b8) as4 gs as | b8 b4 as8 gs as b4 | as gs as8 b4 as8~ | as as as4 as8 b cs cs | %m26
		b16( cs b8) as4 r2 | \key df \major bf1 \melisma | bf2. \melismaEnd r4 | %m29
		bf8 c df4 df8( c4) bf8 | c4. df8 c4 c | df df4. c8 c4 | c4. c8 c4. bf8 | c df c4 bf2 | %m34
		r4 df2. \melisma | df1 | ef2 af,4 \melismaEnd r | bf8 c df4 df df | c8 c4 ef df4. | c4 f f c | c8 df4 df8 df ef df4 | c1 | \key c \major %m42
		c2 d4 d8 e~ | e e4 d8 c4 c | c4 c8 c c4 a8 a~ | a a a a4 a8 f'4 | %or far m46
		e8 e4 d g, g8 | g g g2 g4 | g4. g8 g4 g | g8 g4. r4 g | %keci
		c4 c8 c4 b8 b4 | b8( c) b4 b8 c4 b8~ | b4 b c8 b4 b8~ |
		b a b c b4 a | %m55
		r4 a  c c | c b8 b4 c4 b8 | b4 c8 b4 b b8 | b4 b8 c b4 a | b4 c8 b4 b b8 | b4 b8 b c b4 a8 | %sabbe 2
		c4 f f c | c8 d4 d8 d e d4 | c1 | %m63
		r1 | c \melisma | gs | \tuplet 3/2 1 {
			c1 \melismaEnd e2 | f,2 f a2 | a a c4 c | c2 c c| cs4 cs cs2 d | 
		} %m71 neparo
				f g4 g,8 b | c4 c8 c( b) a b4 | c b4. b4 c8 | b4 a b8 b4 b8 | b b( c) b4. a4~ |
				a r4. a8 b4 | c c8 c( b) b b b | c4 b b c8 c~| c b4 b8 b4 b8 b( | %chey ya
						c8) b a2 r4 | c1 \melisma | \key df \major df | ef | df \melismaEnd | %m85
				r2 c8 bf f f'~ | f f4 r8 f f gf4 | ef8 f4 ef df r8 | r4 c8 ef4 r4. | %m89
				r8 gf,8 gf4 r2 | f'8( gf) af( bf) c4 c | %repeat m91
				df4 df df,8 df4 df8 | df4 df  df4. gf8~ | gf gf gf4 gf gf8 gf(| af) af af af af4 af |
				df, df df8 df4 df8 | gf8 gf gf4 gf gf8 gf( | af) af4 af af8 af4 | af4 af8 af df,4 df~ |
				df r df df | r2 df4 df | %m101
				af'4 gf4 ef8 ef ef4 | df8 df df4 df df8 df | df2 \melisma ef | af,1 | af4 \melismaEnd r2 c4 | %m106
				df4 df8 df4 c8 df4 | ef df4. c8 df4 | ef df df ef8 df~ | df df df df ef df4. | %m110
				c2 r4 c | ef ef8 ef( df) c df4 | ef df4. df4 ef8 | ef4 df c8 df4 df8~ | df df ef df4 gf4. | gf,4( gf' e d) |
				d1 \melisma | \key g \major g, | c | d | g, | d' \melismaEnd |
d4 d d8 d d d | d4 d8 d4 d8 d4 | g, g8 g4 g8 g4 | d'4 d4. r4. |
r4 d d d8 d8 | d4 d8 d4 g4. | d8 d d4 d8 d4 d8 | g,4 g g8 g g4 | g4 g2.
bassWords = 

\new Lyrics = "firstVerse" \lyricsto "basses" \lyricmode {
	Oh -- Kā- ra- ni- ya mat- tha ku- sa- le- na yaṃ taṃ saṃ taṃ pa- daṃ a- bhi- sa mec- ca:
		up- right, ea- sy to talk to, gen- tle, hum- ble, 
		un- con- ceit- ed, 

		Oh -- liv- ing light- ly.  Peace- ful and wise, mod- est and un-.
			Sa- ko u- ju ca su- hu- ju ca, su- va- co cas- sa mu- du an- a- ti- 

			{ mā- ni. 
				San- tus sa- ko ca su- bha- ro ca ap- pa- ki- co ca sa- la- hu- ka- -- }
	\new Lyrics = "secondVerse"
		\with { alignBelowContext = #"firstVerse" }
		\set associatedVoice = "basses"
			vu- ti, San- tin dri- yo ca ni- pa- ko ca ap- pa ghab- bho ku- le su a- na- nu 
		gid- dho. Oh --

		Na- ca ku- daṃ sa- ma- ca- re kin- ci, ye- na viñ- ñu pa- re u- pa- va- dey- yuṃ. Oh --

		Su- khi- no vā khe- mi- no hon- tu sab- be sat tā bha- van- tu su- khi- tat- tā.
		Oh weak or strong, great or might- y, me- di- um, short, or small, seen and un- seen, near or far, Those born and to be born, may all be- ings be hap- py. 
		Ye ke- ci pā- na bhū- tat- thi ta- sā vā thā- va- rā vā  a- na- va- se- sā
			Dī- ghā	vā ye ma- han- tā vā maj- jhi- mā ras- sa- kā- nu- ka- thū- lā
	\new Lyrics = "secondVerse"
		\with {alignBelowContext = #"firstVerse" }
		\set associatedVoice = "basses"
			Dit- thā vā ye-	va ad- dit- thā 

	\new Lyrics = "thirdVerse"
		\with {alignBelowContext = #"secondVerse" }
		\set associatedVoice = "basses"
			Bhū- tā vā sam-	bha- ve- sī vā

		ye ca dū- re va- san- ti a- vi- dū- re 
		sab- be sat tā bha- van- tu su- khi- tat- tā.

		Oh --

		May no one by an- ger or a- ver- sion wish harm up- on an- oth- er.  

		Na pa- ro pa- raṃ ni- kub- be- tha	
		nā- ti-	mañ- ñe- tha kat- tha- ci naṃ kañ- ci
		by- ā- ro- sa- nā pa- ṭi-	gha- sañ- ñā
		nāñ- ña- mañ- ñas- sa duk- kha-	mic- chey- ya
		Oh -- Lo- ving the whole world, let the heart be- come bound- less. be- low, un- blocked, free from ha- tred.

			Mā- tā ya- thā ni- yaṃ put- taṃ
				ā- yu- sā e- ka- put- ta- ma- nu- rak- khe
	\new Lyrics {
		\new Lyrics = "secondVerse"
			\with {alignBelowContext = #"basses" }

		\set associatedVoice = "basses"
			E- vam-	pi sab-	ba- bhū- te- sū
			mā- na-	saṃ bhā- va- ye a- pa- ri- mā- ṇaṃ
	\new Lyrics {
		\new Lyrics = "thirdVerse"
			\with {alignBelowContext = #"basses" }
		\set associatedVoice = "basses"

			Met- taṃ ca sab- ba- lo- kas- miṃ
			mā- na-	saṃ bhā- va- ye a- pa- ri- mā- ṇaṃ

		Ud- dhaṃ a- dho ca ti- ri- yañ-	ca
		a- sam- bā- dhaṃ a- ve- raṃ a- sa- pat-	taṃ

		walk- ing, lie down, free from drow- si- ness, cul- ti- vate mind- ful- ness. Oh --

		Tiṭ- ṭhaṃ  ca- raṃ  ni-	sin- no	vā	
		sa- yā-	no  vā yā- va- tas- sa vi- ga- ta- mid- dho
		E- taṃ sa- tiṃ  a- dhiṭ- ṭhey- ya
		brah- ma- me- taṃ vi- hā- raṃ i- dha- mā- hu
		/u/ /a/

		Diṭ- ṭhiñ- ca a- nu- pa- gam- ma sī- la- vā
		das- sa- ne- na sam- pan- no
		Kā- me- su vi- ney- ya ge- dhaṃ
		na hi jā- tu gab- bha- sey- yaṃ pu- na- re- tī- ti
%top piano staff
topstaff = \relative c' {
	\partcombine << \sopMusic >> << \altoMusic >>
%bottom piano staff
botstaff = \relative c' {
	\clef bass
		\partcombine << \tenorMusic >> <<  \bassMusic >>
music = {
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