This post is directed to Mason & Pierre Schneider
Pierre, thank you for the following code.
It was a great help to write a routine to do things the way I want it to
I am a good programmer and decades long LaTeX user but not a TeX
programmer, so your example helped me a lot to understand how this
should be approached. It does basically what I want.
\version "2.19.82"
\layout {
\context {
\omit Clef
\omit TimeSignature
s2^\markup {
\combine \draw-circle #.8 #.2 ##f
\translate #'(-.75 . -.75)
\override #'(thickness . 2)
\draw-line #'(1.5 . 1.5)
s^\markup\concat\vcenter { \teeny\flat "7" }
\bar ""
Although, you indicated you dont intend to continue with your code which
is a pit, it is what I will have to use in the man time. I looked
through my mails and did not see that you provided a link to your code.
I understand the GNU license, but I ask anyway. I might want to extend
your code to what I need rather than to write a completely new routine
and I will post back the changes to you as the license require if I use
your code.
I primarily use lyluatex and David's stylesheet
"roman_numeral_analysis_tool.ily" clashes with lyluatex and does not
compile. It seems there might be an &$& escape arising during execution
which is not predictably interpreted by lyluatex.
I will definitely not be using "roman_numeral_analysis_tool.ily" as it
does not work with lyluatex which is a prerequisite for me.
I will post a file showing that for David's perusal as it doesnt solve
my problem at all and I will rather write my own.
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