I would appreciate if someone who understands the luatex compiler and lyluatex well to help with this.

It is clear that lyluatex is the future. It is already solving hordes of problems for me typesetiing music documents. Unfortunately there is still a lot of work to do to get all or most Lilypond code to work with it.

As an example, a very helpful gent on this group "Mason" directed me to the public domain site "http://lsr.di.unimi.it/LSR/html/whatsthis.html"; which contains great typesetting solutions.

I first check that the code I want to use there runs in Lilypond and it does correctly.

However when I copy the code over into
and compile with lyluatex they about all choke the luatex compiler.
I am suspicipous of my TeXLive installation though, so if it compiles for you, it must be that.
TeXLive is really a step backwards in my opinion.


I attach an example file.
You can check that the lilypond section compiles correctly with lilypond.
It however fails with lyLuaTeX

(lyluatex)             LilyPond failed to compile the score.
(lyluatex)             If you need more information
(lyluatex)             than the above message,
(lyluatex)             please retry with option debug=true.
(lyluatex)             on input line 238

stack traceback:
        [C]: in function 'error'
/usr/share/texlive/texmf-dist/tex/latex/base/ltluatex.lua:109: in function </u
        (...tail calls...)
        ./lyluatex.lua:633: in function 'check_compilation'
        ./lyluatex.lua:1171: in function 'write_latex'
        ./lyluatex.lua:1105: in function 'process'
        [\directlua]:1: in main chunk.
\ly@compilescore ...directlua {ly.score:process()}

l.238 \end{lilypond}


\version "2.18.0"

\header {
  texidoc = "
This function is designed to simplify the creation of Roman numerals
for harmonic analysis.

Syntax: @code{\\markup \\rN @{ ...list of symbols... @}}

Enter a Roman numeral as a list of symbols, with each element separated
by spaces.  List symbols in order of appearance, omitting those not
needed: Roman numeral; letter for a quality requiring a special
indicator (i.e., diminished, half-diminished, etc.); top (or only)
number of inversion symbol; bottom number; \"/\" (if secondary
function); Roman numeral.

Preceding either Roman numeral with \"s\" or \"b\" or \"n\" will attach
a sharp, flat, or natural: for example, \"svi\" or \"bVII\" (quotation
marks not needed).  Note names are possible: Cs, Dn, Eb.

Use the following symbols for qualities (if a superscript indication is
needed): \"o\" for diminished, \"h\" for half-diminished, \"+\" for
augmented, \"b\" for flat.  You may use any combination of \"M\" and
\"m\" here: M, mm, MM7, Mm, Mmm9, etc.  Added notes are also possible:
add6, add9, etc.

The analysis can be created in a @code{Lyrics} context. 

  doctitle = "Roman numerals for analysis"
%% http://lsr.di.unimi.it/LSR/Item?id=710
%% see also http://lilypond.org/doc/v2.18/Documentation/notation/formatting-text

%% A function to create Roman numerals for harmonic analysis.
%% Syntax: \markup \rN { ...list of symbols... }
%% List symbols in this order (as needed): Roman numeral, quality, top number of 
%% inversion symbol, bottom number, "/" (if secondary function), Roman numeral. 
%% "bVII" creates flat VII; "svi" creates sharp vi; "Ab" creates A-flat; "As" A-sharp 
%% Qualities: use "o" for diminished, "h" for half-diminished, 
%% "+" for augmented, "b" for flat.  Use any combination of "M" and "m": 
%% M, m, MM7, Mm, mm, Mmm9, etc. Added-note chords: add, add6, etc. 
#(define rN-size -1) %% change to vary size of numerals 
#(define scaling (magstep rN-size)) 
%%% change constant to adjust distance between characters 
#(define X-separation (* scaling 0.2))  
%%% symmetrical distance between inversion figures and midline 
#(define inversion-Y-separation (* scaling 0.1))  
#(define dim 
    #:override `(thickness . ,scaling) 
    #:draw-circle (* scaling 0.25) (* scaling 0.1) #f)) 
#(define half-dim 
    #:override `(thickness . ,scaling) 
    (#:combine dim  
               #:draw-line `(,(* scaling -0.3) . ,(* scaling -0.3))) 
    #:draw-line `(,(* scaling 0.3) . ,(* scaling 0.3)))) 
#(define augmented 
    #:override `(thickness . ,scaling) 
    (#:combine #:draw-line `(,(* scaling -0.25) . 0)  
               #:draw-line `(0 . ,(* scaling -0.25))) 
    (#:combine #:draw-line `(,(* scaling 0.25) . 0)  
               #:draw-line `(0 . ,(* scaling 0.25))))) 
#(define (acc? str num) (string? number?) 
   (eq? num (string-index str (char-set #\b #\s #\n)))) %% checks for accidental 
#(define acc `((#\b . ,(markup #:flat)) 
               (#\s . ,(markup #:sharp)) 
               (#\n . ,(markup #:natural)))) 
#(define-markup-command (rN layout props symbols) (markup-list?) 
   ;; isolate and normalize segment of list before slash (if any) 
   (let* ((up-to-slash (car (split-list-by-separator symbols (lambda (x) (equal? x "/"))))) 
          (first-part (append up-to-slash (make-list (- 4 (length up-to-slash)) ""))) 
           (if (or (string-index (cadr first-part) (string->char-set "mMaAdD")) 
                   (not (null? (lset-intersection equal? '("o" "h" "+" "b") (cdr first-part))))) 
               (list (car first-part) "" (cadr first-part) (caddr first-part)))) 
          (base (car normalized)) 
          (quality (cadr normalized)) 
           (cond ((equal? "o" quality) (markup #:raise (* 0.5 scaling) dim)) 
                 ((equal? "h" quality) (markup #:raise (* 0.5 scaling) half-dim)) 
                 ((equal? "+" quality) (markup #:raise (* 0.5 scaling) augmented)) 
                 ((equal? "b" quality) (markup #:raise (* 0.5 scaling) #:flat)) 
                 ((equal? "" quality) (markup #:null)) 
                 (else (markup quality)))) 
          (upper (caddr normalized)) 
          (lower (cadddr normalized)) 
          ;; isolate slash and what follows 
          (second-part (if (member "/" symbols) (member "/" symbols) '("" ""))) 
          (rN-two (cadr second-part)) 
           (interpret-markup layout 
                             (cons (list `(word-space . ,X-separation) `(font-size . ,rN-size)) props) 
                             (markup base))) 
          ;; calculate Y midpoint of base (for positioning quality and inversion) 
          (vertical-offset (/ (interval-length (ly:stencil-extent base-stencil Y)) 2)) 
           (if (equal? lower "") 
               (ly:stencil-translate-axis (interpret-markup layout 
                                                            (cons (list `(word-space . ,X-separation)) props) 
                                                            (markup #:fontsize (- rN-size 5) upper)) 
                                          inversion-Y-separation Y) 
                 (interpret-markup layout 
                                   (cons (list `(word-space . ,X-separation)) props) 
                                   (markup #:fontsize (- rN-size 5) upper)) 
                 Y DOWN 
                 (interpret-markup layout 
                                   (cons (list `(word-space . ,X-separation)) props) 
                                   (markup #:fontsize (- rN-size 5) lower)) 
                 (* 2 inversion-Y-separation)) 
                Y CENTER))) 
           (ly:stencil-translate-axis (interpret-markup layout 
                                                        (cons (list `(word-space . ,X-separation)) props) 
                                                        (markup #:fontsize (- rN-size 5) quality-marker)) 
                                      inversion-Y-separation Y)) 
          ;; base, quality marker, and inversion 
             (interpret-markup layout 
                               (cons (list `(word-space . ,X-separation)) props) 
                               ;; accommodates an accidental either before or after 
                               (cond ((acc? base 0) 
                                      (markup #:fontsize (- rN-size 4) 
                                              #:raise (* 2 vertical-offset) #:vcenter 
                                              (assoc-ref acc (string-ref base 0)) 
                                              #:fontsize rN-size (substring base 1))) 
                                     ((acc? base (1- (string-length base))) 
                                      (markup #:fontsize rN-size 
                                              (substring base 0 (1- (string-length base))) 
                                              #:fontsize (- rN-size 4) #:raise (/ scaling 2) 
                                              (assoc-ref acc (string-ref base (1- (string-length base)))))) 
                                     (else (markup #:fontsize rN-size base)))) 
             X RIGHT 
             (ly:stencil-translate-axis quality-marker-stencil vertical-offset Y)  
             (if (equal? "" quality) 0 X-separation)) 
            X RIGHT 
            (ly:stencil-translate-axis inversion-stencil vertical-offset Y) 
            (if (equal? "" upper) 0 X-separation))) 
          ;; slash and after 
            (interpret-markup layout 
                              (cons (list `(word-space . ,X-separation) `(font-size . ,rN-size)) props) 
                              (if (equal? "" lower) 
                                  (markup (car second-part)) 
                                  (markup #:hspace X-separation (car second-part)))) 
            X RIGHT 
            (interpret-markup layout 
                              (cons (list `(word-space . ,X-separation)) props) 
                              (cond ((acc? rN-two 0) 
                                     (markup #:fontsize (- rN-size 4) 
                                             #:raise scaling (assoc-ref acc (string-ref rN-two 0)) 
                                             #:fontsize rN-size (substring rN-two 1))) 
                                    ((acc? rN-two (1- (string-length rN-two))) 
                                     (markup #:fontsize rN-size 
                                             (substring rN-two 0 (1- (string-length rN-two))) 
                                             #:fontsize (- rN-size 4) #:raise (/ scaling 2) 
                                             (assoc-ref acc (string-ref rN-two (1- (string-length rN-two)))))) 
                                    (else (markup #:fontsize rN-size rN-two)))) 
     (if (equal? rN-two "") 
         (ly:stencil-combine-at-edge one X RIGHT two 0)))) 
bassline = \relative c' { 
  \clef bass 
  \key g \major 
  \time 3/4 
  g4 fis f 
  e es es 
  d2 d,4 
  \bar "||" 
analysis = \lyricmode { 
  \set stanza = #"G:     " % use spaces to adjust position of key indication 
  \markup \rN { I } \markup \rN { V 6 5 } \markup \rN { vii o 4 3 / IV } 
  \markup \rN { IV 6 } \markup \rN { ii h 4 3 } \markup \rN { Fr + 6 } 
  \markup \rN { I 6 4 } \markup \rN { V 7 } 
  \markup \rN { I } 
\score { 
  \new Staff << 
    \new Voice = "bass" { \bassline } 
    \new Lyrics \lyricsto "bass" { \analysis } 
  \layout { 
    \context { 
      \override SpacingSpanner.shortest-duration-space = #5 

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