One last question,

On Mason's insistence I used the other option "roman_numeral_analysis_tool". I got it to work, but there were clashes with some of my other includes, so I have to make some changes to avoid clashes. Anyway that is my problem.

Is there any way to make the half-diminished symbol larger using
\markup \rN {h}
I know I can scale it probably with lilypond tricks, but is there any built in scaling for the roman_numeral_analysis_tool in the unit ?

Sort of along the LaTeX \large \Large commands that can precede any symbol. When using the half-diminished symbol diatonically it is not necessary to add the Roman Numeral scale-degree and only use the half-diminished symbol and reduce clutter. In this case, it is microscopic small and is seemingly by default scaled for exponent use.

It would be better to have the symbol standard size like the capitalized Roman numerals and have a lower case function and then as in LaTeX once you use it for an exponent it is scaled to the smaller exponent size.

As is, it is microscopic to use on its own.
So how do I get it to Standard capital Roman Numeral and lower case numeral size and not by default exponent size as the case is now ?

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