On 07.02.2017 09:17, David Kastrup wrote:
Flaming Hakama by Elaine <ela...@flaminghakama.com> writes:
So my question is: is there any good reason why Lilypond still does
not allow multiple marks or tempo markings?
I can't answer that, but here's a way to get a rehearsal mark and a tempo
mark at the same point in time, using an empty chord:
\version "2.19.15"
<>\tempo Allegro 4=120
Uh, that would be tantamount to
\mark <>
\tempo Allegro 4=120
I am skeptical that \mark would be happy about a music expression.
To provide an actual explanation: \mark is a music function which takes
one argument: a number or a markup. See
to be found most easily through the LilyPond command index. This
argument is optional, but due to LilyPond’s syntax, it can’t simply be
omitted, but must be replaced by \default. Else whatever comes next
would be gulped by \mark as its argument, and the difference between
versions arose from different handling of wrong arguments.
Best, Simon
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