On Sat, 2017-02-04 at 15:48 +0000, Wols Lists wrote:
> On 04/02/17 14:10, David Sumbler wrote:
> > 
> > So my question is: is there any good reason why Lilypond still does
> > not allow multiple marks or tempo markings?
> Probably because the underlying code makes it very tricky.

I feared that that might be the case.  Ideally, then, the code needs to
be rewritten, since the limitation is unhelpful and serves little, if
any, purpose.  However, since I do not have the capability to write
such code myself, I merely mention it as an "in an ideal world..." sort
of comment.

> > If the answer to that question really is "yes", then perhaps we
> > could
> > have an additional grob or 2 which have the same characteristics as
> > the
> > existing one(s) but without the restriction on numbers.  E.g. could
> > we
> > have a TextMark grob in addition to RehearsalMark?
> Kieran put in a lot of effort iirc to add all this extra stuff. I
> remember things from long ago when it was "one mark per barline" and,
> because I think RehearsalMark resolved to an ordinary mark you
> couldn't
> even put a rehearsal mark on the same barline as an ordinary mark.
> That
> even that took so long to appear implies it was NOT simple.
> I suspect if Kieran could have just stacked marks he would have done.
> He
> might chime in and tell us. If you want to look at how a tempo mark
> is
> implemented you might be able to do it for yourself :-) That said, I
> wanted to do it and just couldn't get to grips with it :-)

I am unclear about what you mean by an "ordinary mark".  The
implication of what you say seems to be that a RehearsalMark and an
"ordinary mark" can be anchored to the same barline - which sounds just
like what I am trying to do.

> But I think if you want multiple marks the obvious solution is to
> stack them in a column.

That is an idea I hadn't thought of, and sounds like an excellent
suggestion.  But after experimenting with it, I have not managed to
keep a fermata centred over the barline whilst having a longer text
mark left-aligned on or near the barline.  So far, then, I can't see a
clear solution to what I wanted to do.


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