On Tue 07 Feb 2017 at 10:34:14 (+0000), David Sumbler wrote:
> Thank you all for the various suggestions regarding this problem.
> Some of the latest posts have left me slightly bewildered: I wasn't
> aware that there was a problem with having a RehearsalMark and a
> MetronomeMark at the same point in a piece.  Of course, they are
> formatted and aligned differently by default.
> I am currently using v.2.19.48, so may be I just never needed both at
> the same time when I was using 2.18 or earlier, but if that is the case
> it surprises me.

I've found cases of \tempo and \tempoMark at the start of a piece.
The \version was "2.7.40" but I can't recall where I got that
number from. The files are dated 2007-10-30 and were run with 2.8.7
on Debian etch.

But I'm not clear about exactly what the issue is that we're searching
for because it arose out of a conversation rather than one specific point.

> In the instance that I originally enquired about it is of academic
> importance in any case, because I need a title, a barline fermata and a
> tempo marking all at the same double bar.
> Following Wols's suggestion of formatting multiple marks as a column
> within a single mark, I came up with the following solution, which
> works pretty well.
> %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
> \version "2.19.48"
> \markuplist \table-of-contents
> songTitle = "This Song"
> songName = { \once \override 
>              Score.RehearsalMark.self-alignment-X  = #-0.79
>              \mark \markup \column {
>                \transparent "spacer"
>                \bold \songTitle
>                \center-align \musicglyph #"scripts.ufermata" } }
> { c''1
>   \tocItem \songTitle
>   \songName
>   c''2 b' c''1 
> }
> %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
> The value of self-alignment-X has to be found by trial and error, but
> is then good, it seems, for score and parts.  The horizontal alignment
> of the title in relation to the fermata (and therefore to the barline)
> could also be altered fairly easily.
> The transparent item is there just to increase the space between this
> system and the preceding one - it's the only way I could find to do it,
> but I am sure there must be better ways.

How would you deal with the case where \songName landed on a break?
That's the problem I've had to wrestle with in the past. You'd want
the fermata at the end of a line but the song title at the start of
the next.

IIRC in my own first incident of this problem, I wanted two
simultaneous marks at the same barline: a right-justified "D.S. al Coda"
and a left-justified Coda sign, but with the former remaining at the
end of the line if broken at that point, and the latter placed at the
start of the next line. I could get away with anchoring the D.S. to
the last note of the measure.


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