Hi Harm,
This was *incredibly* helpful. I've now toyed around with a few
versions, some using a couple of different mensural glyphs as well, just
to see which version my colleague likes best.
Thanks so much!
On 05/22/2016 06:16 PM, Thomas Morley wrote:
2016-05-22 21:43 GMT+02:00 Sam Bivens <sambiv...@gmail.com>:
I'm having trouble typesetting an ornament in the fifth measure of the
Sarabande from the E-flat French Suite. An image can be found at
https://www.dropbox.com/s/hhgmne640fs1twb/ornament.jpg?dl=0 The ornament in
question is the two in-staff markings on the dotted-quarter A.
Unfortunately, I don't know the edition (I only have a photocopy of this
movement, and it's not on IMSLP). Nor have I even been able to track down
exactly what this ornament is. The closest I've found is the Nachschlag at
(The double-slur-like figure from Invention 3 at the bottom of that section
is similar to what appears in the Henle version of the Sarabande.)
I want to mimic the given edition as closely as possible; could anyone help
me out with typesetting this? I hate to ask, because it will look like I've
put forth zero effort; but it's just because I legitimately have no clue
where to begin.
at Scores of Beauty looked promising, but I can't even manage to get that to
compile; I'm guessing something in LilyPond has happened since that was
published that prevents it from working in my 2.19.40.
Nicolas' code over there was for v2.17.24.
He made an update for 2.19.33:
Though, meanwhile some internals changed again.
Attached you'll find my own update to v2.19.42.
Due to discussion at
Indepent from the topic here I've found a problem where the DotColumn
is moved too far.
Thus cc-ing him
I've attached a laughably barren MWE; it'll save about 4 seconds.
Appreciated, though!
Sam Bivens
Ph.D. Student, Music Theory
Eastman School of Music
Co-Editor, /Intégral/
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