> On 22 May 2016, at 21:43, Sam Bivens <sambiv...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I'm having trouble typesetting an ornament in the fifth measure of the 
> Sarabande from the E-flat French Suite. An image can be found at 
> https://www.dropbox.com/s/hhgmne640fs1twb/ornament.jpg?dl=0 The ornament in 
> question is the two in-staff markings on the dotted-quarter A.
> Unfortunately, I don't know the edition (I only have a photocopy of this 
> movement, and it's not on IMSLP). Nor have I even been able to track down 
> exactly what this ornament is. The closest I've found is the Nachschlag at 
> http://www.iment.com/maida/familytree/henry/music/bachnotation.htm#passinga

It is an appoggiatura: it is indicated as in your score in the Harvard Concise 
Dictionary of Music. In modern notation, probably a 16th grace note. Also on 
the URL you give, though it looks slightly different:

You might what others have written; perhaps http://imslp.org/.

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