Hi Harm,

> Let me ensure you, my table has some nice bite marks more …


> All this predefining markups down/above/parenthesized is way too
> tedious and error-prone and would need to be done for
> double-ottavation as well ...
> And \raise will break whenever you want to use another \fontsize …


> I tried a general approach.

Well… It’s definitely impressive.
And much appreciated.

But SWEET GOTT IN HIMMEL, this should be 1/100th the effort, right?
I mean, all I want to do is set the normal and broken text, and ensure the line 
aligns as per the accepted convention.

And as soon as this OttavaBracket stuff is locked down, I have the same issue 
with PianoPedals.  =\

> Please look at the attached png and test the attached code.
> Tell me what isn't sufficient.

In your sample file, it looks perfect.
I’ll roll it into my current engraving and report back.


Kieren MacMillan, composer
‣ website: www.kierenmacmillan.info
‣ email: i...@kierenmacmillan.info

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