Hi Paul, On Wed, Aug 19, 2015 at 8:56 PM, Paul Morris <p...@paulwmorris.com> wrote:
> On Aug 18, 2015, at 9:20 AM, David Nalesnik <david.nales...@gmail.com> > wrote: > > In the attached file, I've recoded the print routine in Scheme > > > The attached file contains David’s Scheme recoding with the original C++ > code inserted line by line as comments. This helped me to understand how > he did it by seeing the two versions back to back. I thought I’d share it > in case anyone else is interested. (This is the first version that follows > the C++ more closely than the second.) > > Thanks for doing this! (I should have thought to write it this way in the first place!) By the way, later in the thread I posted a correction of the version you're commenting, which makes the spacing of naturals tally with the original. There's a parens error: should be an extra parens in line 136 to close the inner loop and one fewer in line 191. (I also moved a variable into a named let, but that's just cosmetic.) By the way, I've also recoded hairpin::print in Scheme, and I'm attaching that to this email in case you're interested. Hairpins are another popular candidate for customizations and this should make it easier--changing the size of the circled-tip, some sort of "shorten-pair," easy addition of circles to Ferneyhough hairpins, etc. Best, David
\version "2.19.23" #(define broken-right-neighbor (lambda (grob) (let* ((pieces (ly:spanner-broken-into (ly:grob-original grob))) (me-list (member grob pieces))) (if (> (length me-list) 1) (cadr me-list) '())))) #(define (interval-dir-set i val dir) (cond ((= dir LEFT) (set-car! i val)) ((= dir RIGHT) (set-cdr! i val)) (else (ly:error "dir must be LEFT or RIGHT")))) #(define (other-dir dir) (- dir)) #(define hairpin::print-scheme (lambda (grob) (let ((grow-dir (ly:grob-property grob 'grow-direction))) (if (not (ly:dir? grow-dir)) (begin (ly:grob-suicide! grob) '())) (let* ((padding (ly:grob-property grob 'bound-padding 0.5)) (bounds (cons (ly:spanner-bound grob LEFT) (ly:spanner-bound grob RIGHT))) (broken (cons (not (= (ly:item-break-dir (car bounds)) CENTER)) (not (= (ly:item-break-dir (cdr bounds)) CENTER))))) (if (cdr broken) (let ((next (broken-right-neighbor grob))) (if (ly:spanner? next) (begin (ly:grob-property next 'after-line-breaking) (set-cdr! broken (grob::is-live? next))) (set-cdr! broken #f)))) (let* ((common (ly:grob-common-refpoint (car bounds) (cdr bounds) X)) (x-points (cons 0 0)) (circled-tip (ly:grob-property grob 'circled-tip)) (height (* (ly:grob-property grob 'height 0.2) (ly:staff-symbol-staff-space grob))) (rad (* 0.525 height)) ; commented out is directly from C++, but it leads to think lines when ; no circled tip! ;(thick 1.0) ;(thick (if circled-tip ;(* (ly:grob-property grob 'thickness 1.0) ;(ly:staff-symbol-line-thickness grob)) ;thick)) (thick (* (ly:grob-property grob 'thickness 1.0) (ly:staff-symbol-line-thickness grob)))) (define (inner dir) (let* ((b (interval-bound bounds dir)) (e (ly:generic-bound-extent b common))) ; X-AXIS assumed (interval-dir-set x-points (ly:grob-relative-coordinate b common X) dir) (if (interval-bound broken dir) (if (= dir LEFT) (interval-dir-set x-points (interval-bound e (other-dir dir)) dir) (let* ((broken-bound-padding (ly:grob-property grob 'broken-bound-padding 0.0)) (chp (ly:grob-object grob 'concurrent-hairpins))) (let loop ((i 0)) (if (and (ly:grob-array? chp) ; hmm...why no test in C++ needed? (< i (ly:grob-array-length chp))) (let ((span-elt (ly:grob-array-ref chp i))) (if (= (ly:item-break-dir (ly:spanner-bound span-elt RIGHT)) LEFT) (set! broken-bound-padding (max broken-bound-padding (ly:grob-property span-elt 'broken-bound-padding 0.0)))) (loop (1+ i))))) (interval-dir-set x-points (- (interval-bound x-points dir) (* dir broken-bound-padding)) dir))) (if (grob::has-interface b 'text-interface) (if (not (interval-empty? e)) (interval-dir-set x-points (- (interval-bound e (other-dir dir)) (* dir padding)) dir)) (let* ((neighbor-found #f) (adjacent '()) ; spanner (neighbors (ly:grob-object grob 'adjacent-spanners)) (neighbors-len (if (ly:grob-array? neighbors) (ly:grob-array-length neighbors) 0))) ; this shouldn't be necessary -- see comment above (let inner-two ((i 0)) (if (and (< i neighbors-len) (not neighbor-found)) (begin (set! adjacent (ly:grob-array-ref neighbors i)) (if (and (ly:spanner? adjacent) (eq? (ly:item-get-column (ly:spanner-bound adjacent (other-dir dir))) (ly:item-get-column b))) (set! neighbor-found #t)) (inner-two (1+ i))))) (if neighbor-found (if (grob::has-interface adjacent 'hairpin-interface) (if (and circled-tip (not (eq? grow-dir dir))) (interval-dir-set x-points (+ (interval-center e) (* dir (- rad (/ thick 2.0)))) dir) (interval-dir-set x-points (- (interval-center e) (/ (* dir padding) 3.0)) dir)) (if (= dir RIGHT) (interval-dir-set x-points (- (interval-bound e (other-dir dir)) (* dir padding)) dir))) (begin (if (and (= dir RIGHT) (grob::has-interface b 'note-column-interface) (ly:grob-array? (ly:grob-object b 'rest))) (interval-dir-set x-points (interval-bound e (other-dir dir)) dir) (interval-dir-set x-points (interval-bound e dir) dir)) (if (eq? (ly:grob-property b 'non-musical) #t) (interval-dir-set x-points (- (interval-bound x-points dir) (* dir padding)) dir))))))))) (inner LEFT) (inner RIGHT) (let* ((width (- (interval-bound x-points RIGHT) (interval-bound x-points LEFT))) (width (if (< width 0) (begin (ly:warning (if (< grow-dir 0) "decrescendo too small" "crescendo too small")) 0) width)) (continued (interval-bound broken (other-dir grow-dir))) (continuing (interval-bound broken grow-dir)) (starth (if (< grow-dir 0) (if continuing (* 2 (/ height 3)) height) (if continued (/ height 3) 0.0))) (endh (if (< grow-dir 0) (if continued (/ height 3) 0.0) (if continuing (* 2 (/ height 3)) height))) (mol empty-stencil) (x 0.0) (tip-dir (other-dir grow-dir))) (if (and circled-tip (not (interval-bound broken tip-dir))) (if (> grow-dir 0) (set! x (* rad 2.0)) (if (< grow-dir 0) (set! width (- width (* rad 2.0)))))) (set! mol (make-line-stencil thick x starth width endh)) (set! mol (ly:stencil-add mol (make-line-stencil thick x (- starth) width (- endh)))) (if circled-tip (let ((circle (make-circle-stencil rad thick #f))) (if (not (interval-bound broken tip-dir)) (set! mol (ly:stencil-combine-at-edge mol X tip-dir circle 0))))) (set! mol (ly:stencil-translate-axis mol (- (interval-bound x-points LEFT) (ly:grob-relative-coordinate (interval-bound bounds LEFT) common X)) X)) mol)))))) music = { c'1\< c'2\! c'2~\> c'2~ c'2\! c'2\> c'2\< c'1 c''1\< c''4 a' c''\< a' c''4 a' c''\! a'\< c''4 a' c'' a'\! c''1~\< c''1~ \break c''1\! c'1\!\< \break c'1 \break c'2 c'2\! c''1\< c''4 a' c''\mf a' c''1\< c''4 a' c''\ffff a' c''4\< c''\! d''\> e''\! << f''1 { s4 s4\< s4\> s4\! } >> \override Hairpin.to-barline = ##f c''1\< c''1\! } \markup \huge \bold "DEFAULT" { \music \override Hairpin.circled-tip = ##t \music } \markup \huge \bold "SCHEME REWRITE" { \override Hairpin.stencil = #hairpin::print-scheme \music \override Hairpin.circled-tip = ##t \music } \layout { ragged-right = ##t }
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