On Tue, Aug 18, 2015 at 3:43 PM, Heikki Junes <heikki.ju...@gmail.com>
> Thanks David!
> Yes, it provides the exactly the desired result!
Glad I could help! See the attached for a completed adaptation.
I wonder if this function would better be defined in Scheme than C++. If
someone wanted to do something like you're doing, it wouldn't be a trivial
matter to first redo the function in Scheme to make the necessary changes.
> With this kind of approach, where the note height in the staff is being
> used instead of
> the pitch of the note, the Staff.keySignature.stencil needs to be
> redefined on each clef change:
> \override Staff.KeySignature.stencil =
> #(key-signature::special-print *treble-key-signature-colors*)
> \override Staff.KeyCancellation.stencil =
> #(key-signature::special-print *treble-key-signature-colors*)
> \clef *treble*
> \override Staff.KeySignature.stencil =
> #(key-signature::special-print *bass-key-signature-colors*)
> \override Staff.KeyCancellation.stencil =
> #(key-signature::special-print *bass-key-signature-colors*)
> \clef *bass*
> Would there be any idea in developing the idea even a bit further, and to
> connect the accidentals in the signature to
> their pitch in stead of their vertical position?
> So instead of
> \override Staff.KeySignature.stencil =
> #(key-signature::special-print `((4 . ,green) (-3 . ,red) (1 . ,blue)))
> \override Staff.KeyCancellation.stencil =
> #(key-signature::special-print `((-3 . ,magenta) (1 . ,cyan)))
> One could have something more explicit which would work with all clefs,
> like
> #(define key-signature-colors `(
> (ly:make-pitch 2 3 SHARP) . ,green)
> (ly:make-pitch 1 3 SHARP) . ,green)
> (ly:make-pitch 0 3 SHARP) . ,green)
> (ly:make-pitch -1 3 SHARP) . ,green)
> (ly:make-pitch 2 3 FLAT) . ,red)
> (ly:make-pitch 1 3 FLAT) . ,red)
> (ly:make-pitch 0 3 FLAT) . ,red)
> (ly:make-pitch -1 3 FLAT) . ,red)
> (ly:make-pitch 2 0 SHARP) . ,blue)
> (ly:make-pitch 1 0 SHARP) . ,blue)
> (ly:make-pitch 0 0 SHARP) . ,blue)
> (ly:make-pitch -1 0 SHARP) . ,blue)
> (ly:make-pitch 2 0 FLAT) . ,blue)
> (ly:make-pitch 1 0 FLAT) . ,blue)
> (ly:make-pitch 0 0 FLAT) . ,blue)
> (ly:make-pitch -1 0 FLAT) . ,blue)
> (ly:make-pitch 2 3 NATURAL) . ,magenta)
> (ly:make-pitch 1 3 NATURAL) . ,magenta)
> (ly:make-pitch 0 3 NATURAL) . ,magenta)
> (ly:make-pitch -1 3 NATURAL) . ,magenta)
> (ly:make-pitch 2 0 NATURAL) . ,cyan)
> (ly:make-pitch 1 0 NATURAL) . ,cyan)
> (ly:make-pitch 0 0 NATURAL) . ,cyan)
> (ly:make-pitch -1 0 NATURAL) . ,cyan)
> ))
> \override Staff.KeySignature.stencil =
> #(key-signature::special-print key-signature-colors)
> \override Staff.KeyCancellation.stencil =
> #(key-signature::special-print key-signature-colors )
> ?
Yes, this should be possible.
In the attached key-sig-color-by-pitch.ly, I've done something like this.
You'll notice that I modified your key-signature-colors list. It might be
nice to be able to specify the octave--for example, color an F-sharp in a
certain octave blue, ired in another--but I couldn't make that work.
A strange thing: the F-sharp in the last key-signature should be colored
red. It isn't. Yet in the other file--key-sig-color-by-position.ly--it
works. Don't know why this is. Of course, this is a bit of a corner case
Something else I can't explain: the spacing appears to be slightly
different between the default and modified stencils in both files. This
only affects the positioning of naturals: Padding should only be added in
case of an overlap. The rewrite finds overlaps in m. 2 where the original
function doesn't apparently. Any ideas what causes this?
\version "2.19.23"
#(define key-signature-colors `(
((3 . ,SHARP) . ,green) ; F
((3 . ,FLAT) . ,red)
((0 . ,SHARP) . ,blue) ; C
((0 . ,FLAT) . ,blue)
((3 . ,NATURAL) . ,magenta) ; F
((0 . ,NATURAL) . ,cyan) ; C
((6 . ,FLAT) . ,darkred)
#(define key-signature::special-print
(lambda (grob)
(let* ((inter (/ (ly:staff-symbol-staff-space grob) 2.0))
(mol empty-stencil)
(c0s (ly:grob-property grob 'c0-position))
(is-cancellation? (grob::has-interface grob 'key-cancellation-interface))
(pos empty-interval)
(overlapping-pos empty-interval)
(padding-pairs (ly:grob-property grob 'padding-pairs))
(fm (ly:grob-default-font grob))
(alist (ly:grob-property grob 'glyph-name-alist))) (display (ly:grob-property grob 'alteration-alist)) (newline)
(let loop ((s (ly:grob-property grob 'alteration-alist))
(stil mol)
(last-glyph-name #f))
(if (pair? s)
(let* ((alt (if is-cancellation? 0 (cdar s)))
(glyph-name (ly:assoc-get alt alist)))
(if (not (string? glyph-name))
(ly:warning "No glyph found for alteration: ~a" alt)
(loop (cdr s) stil last-glyph-name))
(let ((acc (ly:font-get-glyph fm glyph-name)))
(if (equal? acc empty-stencil)
(ly:warning "alteration not found")
(loop (cdr s) stil last-glyph-name))
(let ((column empty-stencil)
(pos empty-interval))
(let inner ((pos-list
(car s) c0s grob)))
(if (pair? pos-list)
(let* ((p (car pos-list))
(pitch (car s))
(color (assoc-get pitch key-signature-colors))
(if (color? color)
(stencil-with-color acc color)
(set! pos (add-point pos p))
(set! column
(ly:stencil-add column
(ly:stencil-translate-axis acc (* p inter) Y)))
(inner (cdr pos-list))))
(let* ((padding (ly:grob-property grob 'padding 0.0))
(handle (assoc (cons glyph-name last-glyph-name) padding-pairs))
((pair? handle) (cdr handle))
(string=? glyph-name "accidentals.natural")
(not (interval-empty?
(interval-intersection overlapping-pos pos))))
(+ padding 0.3))
(else padding))))
(set! pos (interval-widen pos 4))
(set! overlapping-pos (coord-translate pos 2))
(loop (cdr s)
(ly:stencil-aligned-to stil X LEFT))))))
music =
\key ces \major
\key a \major
\key g \major
\override Staff.KeySignature.flat-positions = #'((-5 . 5))
\override Staff.KeyCancellation.flat-positions = #'((-5 . 5))
\clef bass \key es \major es g bes d
\clef treble \bar "||" \key es \major es g bes d
\override Staff.KeySignature.sharp-positions = #'(2)
\bar "||" \key b \major b fis b2
\override Staff.KeySignature.padding-pairs = #'((("accidentals.flat" . "accidentals.sharp") . 2))
\set Staff.keyAlterations = #`(((0 . 6) . ,FLAT)
((0 . 5) . ,FLAT)
((0 . 3) . ,SHARP))
c4 d e fis
aes4 bes c'1
\override Staff.KeySignature.stencil =
\override Staff.KeyCancellation.stencil =
\override Staff.KeySignature.stencil =
\override Staff.KeyCancellation.stencil =
\clef bass
\version "2.19.23"
#(define (key-signature::special-print alt-color-list)
(lambda (grob)
(let* ((inter (/ (ly:staff-symbol-staff-space grob) 2.0))
(mol empty-stencil)
(c0s (ly:grob-property grob 'c0-position))
(is-cancellation? (grob::has-interface grob 'key-cancellation-interface))
(pos empty-interval)
(overlapping-pos empty-interval)
(padding-pairs (ly:grob-property grob 'padding-pairs))
(fm (ly:grob-default-font grob))
(alist (ly:grob-property grob 'glyph-name-alist)))
(let loop ((s (ly:grob-property grob 'alteration-alist))
(stil mol)
(last-glyph-name #f))
(if (pair? s)
(let* ((alt (if is-cancellation? 0 (cdar s)))
(glyph-name (ly:assoc-get alt alist)))
(if (not (string? glyph-name))
(ly:warning "No glyph found for alteration: ~a" alt)
(loop (cdr s) stil last-glyph-name))
(let ((acc (ly:font-get-glyph fm glyph-name)))
(if (equal? acc empty-stencil)
(ly:warning "alteration not found")
(loop (cdr s) stil last-glyph-name))
(let ((column empty-stencil)
(pos empty-interval))
(let inner ((pos-list
(car s) c0s grob)))
(if (pair? pos-list)
(let* ((p (car pos-list))
(color (assoc-get p alt-color-list))
(if (color? color)
(stencil-with-color acc color)
(set! pos (add-point pos p))
(set! column
(ly:stencil-add column
(ly:stencil-translate-axis acc (* p inter) Y)))
(inner (cdr pos-list))))
(let* ((padding (ly:grob-property grob 'padding 0.0))
(handle (assoc (cons glyph-name last-glyph-name) padding-pairs))
((pair? handle) (cdr handle))
(string=? glyph-name "accidentals.natural")
(not (interval-empty?
(interval-intersection overlapping-pos pos))))
(+ padding 0.3))
(else padding))))
(set! pos (interval-widen pos 4))
(set! overlapping-pos (coord-translate pos 2))
(loop (cdr s)
(ly:stencil-aligned-to stil X LEFT))))))
music =
\key ces \major
\key a \major
\key g \major
\override Staff.KeySignature.flat-positions = #'((-5 . 5))
\override Staff.KeyCancellation.flat-positions = #'((-5 . 5))
\clef bass \key es \major es g bes d
\clef treble \bar "||" \key es \major es g bes d
\override Staff.KeySignature.sharp-positions = #'(2)
\bar "||" \key b \major b fis b2
\override Staff.KeySignature.padding-pairs = #'((("accidentals.flat" . "accidentals.sharp") . 2))
\set Staff.keyAlterations = #`(((0 . 6) . ,FLAT)
((0 . 5) . ,FLAT)
((0 . 3) . ,SHARP))
c4 d e fis
aes4 bes c'1
\override Staff.KeySignature.stencil =
#(key-signature::special-print `((4 . ,green) (-3 . ,red) (1 . ,blue)))
\override Staff.KeyCancellation.stencil =
#(key-signature::special-print `((-3 . ,magenta) (1 . ,cyan)))
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