>>>>> "Jan" == Jan Nieuwenhuizen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

    >> /home/dlphilp/BachCelloPrelude.ly:14:38: error: parse error,
    >> unexpected BAR, expecting NOTENAME_PITCH or DRUM_PITCH or '>':
    >> \time 4/4 \key d \major   <   \ba

    Jan> This is invalid lilypond syntax: you found a bug.

I've hit that one (in 2.0); I was planning to report it after I had a chance to
check it on a more recent version.  Basically, any chord (ABC syntax 
"[A C]", for instance, is translated with single angle brackets,
instead of double ones.

The workaround is to change the "< a' c >" that comes in the lilypond
output to read "<< a' c >>".  This is a pain for the way I work, where
I do the editing in ABC and look at the abc2ly/lilypond output.

    Jan> AFAIC, abc is mainly used for simple tunes.  The multiple
    Jan> voices/chord syntax changed and abc2ly was apparrently not
    Jan> updated.

My tunes aren't so simple, but I don't use chords very often, since I
enter the voices separately.  The particular case where I hit this
problem this week had a bass voice that split for one note.  Dave
probably has a similar case, with a mostly monophonic cello part with
a few double stops.

Laura (mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] , http://www.laymusic.org/ )
(617) 661-8097  fax: (501) 641-5011
233 Broadway, Cambridge, MA 02139

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