Hi Jan:
I'll check out the CVS abc2ly today. Meanwhile, here's what's happening with my current versions of things (Planet CCRMA RH9, LilyPond 2.2.0) :
[EMAIL PROTECTED] dlphilp]$ abc2ly BachCelloPrelude.abc abc2ly from LilyPond 2.2.0 Parsing `BachCelloPrelude.abc'... Line ... lilypond output to: `BachCelloPrelude.ly'...
[EMAIL PROTECTED] dlphilp]$ lilypond BachCelloPrelude.ly lilypond (GNU LilyPond) 2.2.0 Running lilypond-bin... Now processing `BachCelloPrelude.ly' Parsing...
/home/dlphilp/BachCelloPrelude.ly:14:38: error: parse error, unexpected BAR, expecting NOTENAME_PITCH or DRUM_PITCH or '>':
\time 4/4 \key d \major < \ba
r "|." d'16 ^"A"( a'16 fis''16 -)
[snip many similar messages]
In /usr/share/lilypond/2.2.0/scm/music-functions.scm:
429: 1* (let ((es #) (e #)) (if (pair? es) (# m # ...)) ...)
431: 2* (if (pair? es) ((setter ly:music-property) m (quote elements) ...))
432: 3 [ly:music-set-property! #<Music SimultaneousMusic> elements ...
432: 4* [map #<procedure voicify-music (m)> (#<Music ContextSpeccedMusic>)]
In /usr/share/guile/1.6/srfi/srfi-1.scm:
637: 5 (if (null? rest) (map1 f list1) ...)
624: 6 (let ((ret (list #))) (letrec ((lp #)) (lp (cdr ls) ret)))
624: 7* [list ...
624: 8* [voicify-music #<Music ContextSpeccedMusic>]
In /usr/share/lilypond/2.2.0/scm/music-functions.scm:
429: 9 (let ((es #) (e #)) (if (pair? es) (# m # ...)) ...)
433: 10* (if (ly:music? e) ((setter ly:music-property) m (quote element) ...))
434: 11 [ly:music-set-property! #<Music ContextSpeccedMusic> element ...
434: 12* [voicify-music #<Music SequentialMusic>]
429: 13 (let ((es #) (e #)) (if (pair? es) (# m # ...)) ...)
431: 14* (if (pair? es) ((setter ly:music-property) m (quote elements) ...))
432: 15 [ly:music-set-property! #<Music SequentialMusic> elements ...
432: 16* [map #<procedure voicify-music (m)> (#<Music SequentialMusic>)]
In /usr/share/guile/1.6/srfi/srfi-1.scm:
637: 17 (if (null? rest) (map1 f list1) ...)
624: 18 (let ((ret (list #))) (letrec ((lp #)) (lp (cdr ls) ret)))
624: 19* [list ...
624: 20* (f (car ls))
/usr/share/guile/1.6/srfi/srfi-1.scm:624:24: In expression (f (car ls)): /usr/share/guile/1.6/srfi/srfi-1.scm:624:24: Stack overflow
lilypond: error: LilyPond failed on input file BachCelloPrelude (exit status 2)
lilypond: warning: Running LilyPond failed. Rerun with --verbose for a trace.
I hope that helps. Going for the CVS abc2ly now...
Jan Nieuwenhuizen wrote:
Dave Phillips writes:
Not so much success with abc2ly and musedata2ly
What problems do you have, can you post an error log?
abc2ly is used quite heavily, notably by Laura Conrad (see http://laymusic.org).
As abc2ly is a python script, you may want to look at the latest version in CVS
some problems were fixed recently.
Greetings, Jan.
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