On Friday 27 February 2004 16:48, Ferenc Wagner wrote:
> David Raleigh Arnold <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > The new version of sly will split into parts content
> > formatted in any combination of fields and lines.  More
> > features are planned, but it all works and I'll try to get
> > it up on my website by Monday.
> Hi David,
> What happens if some error creeps into a .sly file?  Will
> LilyPond output the correct file and line number?  Also,
> does it work together with point&click?

Lilypond continues, I hope, to give the line numbers of included
files, so the products of sly will have the line number, but
lilypond may add the '\include' line.  There was some issue with
that, and I don't recall now whether that was considered a bug and
fixed or not.

That means that if your header were 3 lines long, and if you did
not use lines without search specs, the line number would be
times 3 and plus one to three, and possibly plus one for the \include

If you have a dummy field for numbers in the sly file, that will
locate the line-group and the filename will locate the field in it.
Numbering automatically will be done when I can dump an edited sly file.
I can't do that yet.  It requires rebuilding a sly file from parts and

Of course if you can put all your fields on one line, then
lilypond will give the line number plus one for the header and
maybe one for the \include line.

You could also flatfile as you go, of course.  In that case
point-and-click would surely work.  I have never used it.  I
don't know whether it does \included files.

It's not that hard to understand the lesson of Viet Nam.  Never never
never never defend one tyrant against another, because The worst thing
that can happen is you might win.  The *Gulf* war was worse than Nam.
D. Raleigh Arnold dra@ (http://www.) openguitar.com [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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