
thanks for having had your 'Eureka' experience and explaining this here.
I would be perfectly happy if your explanation would be included in the
documentation (hint :)


On Thu, 2004-02-26 at 21:53, Kieren Richard MacMillan wrote:
> Hello, all --
> One more clarification that might help \relative newbies...
> Unlike \transpose x {}, the pitch that is chosen to "define" (begin) 
> the \relative mode block is used ONLY to provide the "relative origin" 
> for the FIRST NOTE, and has no other effect on future pitches.
> For example, the following two sets will output the same result:
> \notes \relative c'' {g b d}
> \notes \relative c' {g' b d}
> Notice that once the g(') has been "relativized", the next pitch (b) 
> uses it as its "relative origin" without any reference to the c'(') 
> which "initialized" the \relative note block. [This is obviously very 
> different from \transpose, in which the "definition pitches" affect ALL 
> pitches enclosed in the block.]
> Hope this helps!
> Kieren.
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