I am still practising :-)
How can I shorten the stems and/or change the angle of the beam in the following example, so that the note in the lowest voice do not collide with them?
Thank you!
Thomas cywin/xp
\version "2.1.26" \header {pagenumber = no} \score { \notes { \context Staff << << \relative c'' { { e e e e } } \\ { \override Voice.TupletBracket #'number-visibility = ##f \override Voice.TupletBracket #'bracket-visibility = ##f \times 2/3 {e''8[ b' g'] e''8[ b' g'] e''8[ b' g'] e''8[ b' g']} } \\ \relative c' { { \stemDown e4 b g e } } >> >> } \paper { raggedright=##t indent=0.0 \cm \translator { \ScoreContext \remove Bar_number_engraver} } }
<<inline: beam-page1.png>>
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