On Thu, 26 Feb 2004 17:57:19 -0500
David Raleigh Arnold <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> http://www.openguitar.com/files/octly.txt

Ok - creative bid on another solution.

I have considered formating piano and scores something like this:

%<bar 1 .. 4>
<violino>{   a | b   c'  d'  b  |  c'  d'  e'  c'  | d'  e'  f2 |
<vlcello>{   a,| b,  c   d   b, |  c   d   e   c   | d   e   f2 |
<pnotreble>{ a | b   etc.
<pnobas>   { a,| b,  etc.

%<bar 5 .. 6>

and have gawk or another parser splitting/reformating.
But I want to get more experience with the layout basics first.
Look on the Giulio-Cesar Mutopia edition - impressive.

donald_j_axel(at)get2net.dk -- http://d-axel.dk/

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