>> You have to check the log files in `lybook-db` to find the problematic
>> `.ly` file(s).  Does `make test` succeed?  You should actually try that
>> before running `make doc`...
> Interesting -- the CG has make doc show up before make test.  But I
> appreciate the suggestion, so I decided to restart
> So I did a make clean, and then a make test.

I've never seen the errors you are reporting – as Dan writes, it may
be an issue with the `tidy` program.  However, I'm using version 5.4.0
on my GNU/Linux box while MacPorts offers the more recent version
5.8.0; maybe there is indeed a problem in the created HTML code that
wasn't detected or handled by tidy in earlier versions.

Another possibility is that macOS comes with an ancient `tidy` version
that doesn't understand HTML 5 stuff like `<figure>`, and you don't
have installed `tidy` via MacPorts at all.  In this case we have to
update the `output-distance` script to check the `tidy` version before
actually using it...


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