> If I click on the Notation link from that page, I get to: > > out-www/offline-root/Documentation/web/notation.html > > which has no css, but has lots of links.
This shouldn't happen, and it means that your documentation build is still not correct. > I'm happy to send a tar file of my offline-root directory and > subdirectories if that would be helpful. Yes, something like that would help. However, I would like to see your *complete* (successful) build of the `bytecode` and `doc` make targets, with `LANGS="en"` to reduce space. If you don't mind, please issue the following command one level above your build directory: gtar cJvf build.tar.xz build where `gtar` is GNU tar (from the 'gnutar' MacPorts package), also assuming that your build directory is called `build`. Upload the created file `build.tar.xz` to a filesharing hoster of your choice and send me the link privately so that I can download the file for further inspection. For me, this archive has about 206MByte. [The `J` command makes GNU tar use the `xz` program for compression, which is much more efficient than the default `gz` (at the cost of compression speed), and which you probably have to install from MacPorts, too.] Werner