> carl@Carls-MBP-2 lilypond % tidy --version
> HTML Tidy for Mac OS X released on 31 October 2006 - Apple Inc. build 6141

This explains the failure, thanks: Your `tidy` version doesn't support
HTML 5.  I've submitted an MR to catch this.


> I didn't see tidy listed as a prerequisite.

It is not a prerequisite; it is simply used if available, as an
additional aid to the developers.  As it turns out, the naive test for
checking the presence of the binary is not sufficient; we must also
check for a proper version.

Please be reminded that up to now *nobody* worked on building the
(complete) documentation on the Mac!  You are effectively entering new
territory (for which I'm very thankful), and there are dragons, as
you've already found out.


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