
Carl wrote to me privately:

> OK, so now I have a failure:
> I did
> ```
> rm -rf build
> mkdir build
> cd build
> ../ --currdir
> ../configure &> configure.log
> make -j10 CPU_COUNT=10 all
> make doc LANGS="en" VERBOSE=1 CPU_COUNT=10 -j10 &> make.doc.log
> ```
> And the make doc failed.

[This is based on the branch 'dev/wl/build-fixes'.]

The log file `snippet-names-c5b165525229969dd268a5b19f9f64fd.log`

GNU LilyPond 2.25.14 (running Guile 3.0)

Forking into jobs:  (39647 39646 39645 39644 39643 39642 39641 39640 39639 
job 9 terminated with signal: 6
job 8 terminated with signal: 6
job 7 terminated with signal: 6
job 6 terminated with signal: 6
job 5 terminated with signal: 6
job 4 terminated with signal: 6
job 3 terminated with signal: 6
job 2 terminated with signal: 6
job 1 terminated with signal: 6
job 0 terminated with signal: 6
fatal error: Children (9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0) exited with errors.

AFAIK, signal 6 is 'SIGABRT'.

Note that the files `lilypond-multi-run-*.log` all contain

  thread_suspend failed

which seems to be a hint that we have a problem with thread support on
macOS (Carl runs on macOS Sonoma which identifies itself as Darwin
23.2 on arm64e).

Any idea how to tackle this?  BTW, `make doc` without `CPU_COUNT=10`
succeeds on his computer.


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